Councillors and council meetings
Political structure
Stockton-on-Tees Borough has 56 councillors (known as 'members') who represent 27 wards. Some wards have 1, 2, or 3 members representing them. Elections are held every four years, the most recent happening on May 2023.
There are 56 seats broken down into the following:
- Conservative - 26
- Labour - 20
- Thornaby Independent Association - 4
- Ingleby Barwick Independent Society - 3
- Labour and Co-operative Party - 2
- Independent - 1
The Labour Group consists of 22 councillors (Labour and Labour and Co-operative Party).
Once elected the councillors elect their Leader who then appoints a Cabinet Executive. The Cabinet Executive make the important decisions on how services are provided. Major items, such as the setting of the Council's budget, are decided by all councillors at the Full Council meeting.
View decisions, minutes and reports as well as details on committee memberships.
Cabinet - 14 March 2024
The following document gives notice that the Council intends to hold a meeting of the Cabinet in private or partly in private. This is required, on occasions where there is a report which contains information exempt from publication.
Private Meeting Notice - 5 day notice - Durham Lane Industrial Estate - 14 March 2024 (PDF, 126 KB)
Private Meeting Notice - 28 Day Notice - Durham Lane Industrial Estate - 14 March 2024 (PDF, 114 KB)
Ward surgeries
Local councillors are elected to represent your interests in local matters. You can discuss problems or other matters concerning your area through ward surgeries. Where ward surgeries are not provided, a councillor will arrange a time with you. You can find information about these surgeries on the Councillor webpages.
Tees Valley Combined Authority
Along with the four other Tees Valley Local Authorities, Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council work together as part of the Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA). Meetings of the Tees Valley Combined Authority are open to the public to attend and copies of their meeting papers can be found on the Tees Valley Combined Authority website.
Councillor Allowances and Expenses
All Members receive a basic allowance and several Members also receive a Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA) under the Members' Allowances Scheme 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025.
We publish an annual list of allowances paid to Members under the scheme over the preceding financial year from 1 April to 31 March. This includes:
- basic allowance
- special responsibility allowance
- dependants' carers' allowance
- travelling and subsistence allowance
- co-optees' allowance