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SEND Local Offer - Health

If you have any questions regarding any of the health services in the Local Offer, and whether your child might benefit from referral. Please discuss these with your GP or any of the existing health professionals involved with the care of your child.

0 to 19 Service

Find out about the range of services we offer across Stockton for children and young people aged 0 to 19 years old.

Find out more about the 0 to 19 Service on the Stockton Information Directory


Bereavement support

Bereavement organisations can give help and advice for parents and carers to support themselves and children regarding deaths and serious illness.  

National Autism Society

Visit the National Autistic Society website


Visit the Cruse bereavement UK website

Child Bereavement UK

Visit the Child Bereavement UK website

Winston's Wish: Grief Support

Visit the Winston's Wish website

Apart of me: App

If you've just lost a loved one, you might be feeling lonely, angry, overwhelmed or afraid. Or maybe all of these things. We're here to help you. And we want you to know that you're going to be OK. Apart of Me is a beautiful world, built to guide you through your darkest moments.  Download the Apart of Me app


Down Syndrome Pathway

Across Hartlepool and Stockton-on-Tees we have developed a Down Syndrome Pathway to provide information about the support available for children with Down Syndrome. The pathway includes information about support options for you and your child, information about Down Syndrome, and information about local services.

Access the Down Syndrome Pathway


Dynamic Support Register

What is a Dynamic Support Register?

A Dynamic Support Register is a list of people with a learning disability and autism who need support because they are at risk of going into hospital if they don't get the right care and treatment in the community.

It helps professionals across organisations identify risks with a view to reducing those risks. It also provides alternatives to hospital admission as well as supporting timely discharge for children and young people in hospital.

Why do we need a Dynamic Support Register?

Local NHS Services need to understand the needs of children and young people with a learning disability and autism to ensure they receive the correct support.

The Integrated Care Board (ICB) is required to maintain a register of children and young people with a learning disability or autism who:

  • display or are likely to display behaviours that will challenge their service provision
  • display behaviours or likely to display behaviours where their home life or placement is at risk of breaking down
  • have a mental health condition where they are likely to need, or have been admitted to a hospital

Tees Valley Dynamic Support Register

The purpose of the Dynamic Support Register is to ensure that an integrated approach between health, social care and education is in place across Tees Valley, for the risk management of children and young people with learning disabilities, autism or other mental health issues.

The overall purpose of the group is to ensure robust care packages are in place for hospital discharge, minimise the need for hospital admission, reduce health inequalities and improve outcomes for children and young people with learning disabilities, autism or other mental health issues.

The group brings together professionals with responsibility for commissioning, procuring and delivering services to individuals who are at risk of admission or who are inpatients in specialist hospitals.

If a child or young person is referred to the Dynamic Support Register by a professional, all communication will be through the professional who will provide feedback on the plan and outcome from the meeting. This will include giving advice and making referrals to the services that can provide the support you may need.

If you referred yourself, the Dynamic Support Register coordinator will inform you of the outcome of the Dynamic Support Register meeting.

If you would like to make a referral or have any queries about the Dynamic Support Register please contact Tees Valley DSR by email


Healthier Together

Healthier Together is a website and downloadable app that provides accurate and trusted NHS healthcare advice for parents, carers, young people and health professionals.

Access the Healthier Together website


Moving into Adult Health Services

When you are 26 you will transition into Adults Services. There are lots of support options for Adults.

Find out more on the Preparing for Adulthood page


Neurodevelopmental Pathway

Across Hartlepool and Stockton-on-Tees we have developed a 'needs led' neurodevelopmental pathway to make sure you and your child are supported as much as possible.

Find out more about the Neurodevelopmental Pathway and bubble of support

Read the Neurodevelopmental Pathway Guide


Perinatal Mental Health

We have additional mental health support available for new parents through the South Tees Perinatal Service.

Find out more about the South Tees Perinatal Support Service


Tees Valley Sleep Service

The Tees Valley Sleep Service is co-delivered across the Tees Valley by health services and the Family Support Team at Daisy Chain. Using a tiered approach the service provides telephone support, resources, workshops and one to one sleep assessments as well as offering bespoke sleep support if required.

Find out more about the Tees Valley Sleep Service


The Healthcare Ecosystem

The NHS Healthcare Ecosystem is divided into four areas; Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Community Healthcare.  Find out more about the NHS Ecosystem

Primary healthcare services

Primary healthcare services provide the first point of contact in the healthcare system, acting as the 'front door' of the NHS. Primary Healthcare services include General Practice (GP), Pharmacy, Dental, and Optometry (Eye health) services. Visit the NHS website to find your nearest Primary Healthcare service.

Secondary healthcare services

Secondary healthcare services provide elected and urgent care. Services include pre-arranged surgery, Accident and Emergency or Urgent Care and Mental Health care. Access to Secondary Healthcare services often requires a referral from a Primary Healthcare service. 999, 111 and Out-Of-Hours GP services fall under Secondary Healthcare. Visit the NHS website to find your local Urgent Care Centre. If you need general medical advice or are unsure where to go, telephone 111. The operator will ask you a series of questions about what is wrong and will be able to direct you to nearby healthcare services if necessary. 111 is a non-emergency contact number only. In the event of an emergency, telephone 999. 

Tertiary healthcare services

Tertiary healthcare services provide highly specialised treatments. Neurosurgery, Transplants, Plastic Surgery and Secure Forensic Mental Health Services all fall under Tertiary Healthcare services. 

Community healthcare services

Community healthcare services provide healthcare services within the community. District Nursing, Home Health Visitors, Child Health services and Sexual Health Clinics all fall under Community Healthcare. 

Visit the NHS website for more information about Sexual health services.

​​​​​​Visit the Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys website for more information about Community mental health services in Teesside for children and young people.


Your local healthcare services

You can find your nearest healthcare services through your My Council account. Linked to your registered address, you can find your local pharmacy, GP and dentist all in one place.

Sign up or login to your My Council account




SEND local offer - health directory listings

Visit the Stockton Information Directory for services that offer health support for children and young people with special educational needs and or disabilities and their parents or carers.

Add a child or young person to the children and young people's disability register

We are required by law to keep a voluntary register. This is of children and young people from birth to 25 years old who live in Stockton-on-Tees and have a disability or special educational need.

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