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Adapt your home to your needs

If you have a disability, you might be eligible for support to adapt your home to your needs.

We offer two types of assistance to help you adapt your home to make it easier for you to live independently.

Who can apply?

You or the person you're applying for must:

  • live in your property and be disabled
  • own the property or be a tenant
  • intend to live in the property during the grant period (which is currently 5 years)

You can also apply for a grant if you're a landlord and have a disabled tenant.

We need to be happy that the work is:

  • necessary and appropriate to meet the disabled person's needs
  • reasonable and can be done - depending on the age and condition of the property

The amount of grant you receive will depend on your financial situation.

How to apply

Contact the First Contact Team to begin your application.

We will complete an occupational therapy assessment to understand your needs and contact you to let you know more about the process of awarding grants.

We will also carry out a financial assessment to decide how much assistance you are eligible for.

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