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Apply for a nursery place

All Stockton-on-Tees primary schools have nurseries attached to them. There are also nursery places in independent schools, private day nurseries, playgroups and with childminders.

You should contact individual schools to ask to have your child's name put on the waiting list.

Schools have their own policies for how they allocate their nursery places. Most of them give priority to 4-year-olds and then offer places to 3-year-olds if they have any remaining.

If a school's nursery is oversubscribed, they will allocate places according to a list of other priorities which may include children who:

  • live in specified areas
  • have siblings who currently attend the school
  • are from vulnerable families

You many need to register for multiple nurseries if the school you would like to attend has no places.

If you cannot find a place

The Families Information Service can help. 

Contact the Families Information Service on 01642 527225.

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