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Adult Social Care Market Position Statement

Messages to the whole market

The following suggestions are ways providers can improve the quality of the services they deliver:

Working with stakeholders

Involve relevant Council staff, service users and their carers/family in the design and development of any services; their feedback is key to improving the quality of services. Providers need to consider how feedback can be applied practically to develop new or improve existing services.

Monitor and review performance 

Tracking performance and auditing of key areas of service delivery ensures areas for improvement can be identified. This helps to improve quality; identifying best practice and benchmarking with others ensures learning can be applied, leading to service improvement. Clear standards, consistency and compliance to service delivery expectations ensures quality assurance.

Review marketing tools used

Providers can promote their service in the most effective places, for example. Stockton Information Directory which is Stockton's directory of information and advice. Consider whether information provided to people regarding services is accessible and easy to understand.

Improving outcomes for people

We are looking for providers who can deliver innovative, flexible, person-centred services and, from a broader point of view, we will expect good providers to recognise that the people using their services and their carers are experts in their own lives and are therefore essential partners in the design and development of services.

Focus on workforce development 

Appropriately trained, qualified and competent staff who are well supervised and managed improves the quality of service delivered. The Council has offered the Well Led Training Programme to all adult and older people's care home managers. The leadership programme has been co-produced in partnership with the NHS Leadership Academy and Care Home Providers, to offer key insights, knowledge and skills and learning to better manage, perform, motivate, and ultimately become a successful leader.

Quality assurance 

The Safeguarding Team, Commissioners from both the Council and the CCG, Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) nurses and Care Quality Commission (CQC) work closely together with providers, having regular information sharing meetings to discuss the quality of locally registered services, agree ways to improve this where required and plan how to respond to developing problems.

The Council's Procurement Team will continue to monitor contracted providers to assess the quality-of-service provision using relevant evidence-based measures and to ensure contractual compliance. We will continue to further develop effective processes for ensuring the quality of services, whether or not they are registered with CQC.

Person centred approach

We want all our services to treat each person according to their individual care and support needs and preferences. It is important that providers adapt their service to deliver flexible options and tailored support, particularly as more and more people will be making their own choices in purchasing care utilising their Personal Budgets and Direct Payments, or as self-funders.

A person-centred approach to care and support, will support people to:

  • live independent lives in the way they have chosen, based on information about the options available, and as much involvement as they want in decisions about what care and support they need and how it should be delivered
  • maintain relationships with family and friends and provide opportunities to take part in community life, including engaging in activities which match their interests, skills and abilities
  • live without fear of harm or abuse and support them to manage any risks which might arise and to avoid unnecessary risks
  • experience the provision of care positively, through relationships based on mutual respect and consideration, and where care - designed around their needs - is both consistently delivered and well co-ordinated with other agencies

There is no reason in principle why these elements cannot apply to all groups of people needing care and support regardless of the setting in which they live, be it a care home, sheltered housing or their own home. Indeed, it is important that such elements are present for all people in all circumstances. That is the essence of personalisation - tailoring care and support to what individuals choose as a means of helping them to live their normal life. People don't want to be defined by their condition. They are, first and foremost, individuals with very personal hopes, fears, aspirations, and relationships.


The Council has a duty to support those people who choose to fund some or all of their care and support and who need non-residential services. In limited circumstances, the Council may also choose to exercise its discretion under the Care Act to arrange care for self-funders who need residential or nursing care. We will continue to develop information and improve support and advice on the options available to self-funders. The Council also continues to improve and extend its online Stockton Information Directory for both children and adult care information service.

Voluntary and Community Sector Enterprise (VCSE)

The Council will continue to signpost a number of people to services in the community and an assessment will be made about the scope and ability of small and medium VCSE providers to meet this requirement. The role of the VCSE in combating social inclusion is increasingly important and VCSE providers across the county will be encouraged to work responsively in their local communities. VCSE organisations play a key role in the delivery of services, particularly at a time of major change for the public sector, and are well placed to take advantage of opportunities and identify new ways of working. The sector can become a delivery agent that will ensure the sustainability of vital services across the county by taking a proactive approach. The Council will seek to evolve and strengthen our ethos of partnership working with the VSCE sector.

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