Review of Consent Street Trading Policy
Date consultation closed
30 September 2023
The Council's purpose in regulating street trading is to create a fair street trading environment which is sensitive to the needs of the public, provides diversity and consumer choice, ensures safety and contributes to the character and ambiance of the local environment and amenity of residents (providing protection from nuisance, damage, disturbance and annoyance).
The General Licensing Committee agreed to a review of the current Street Trading Policy and agreed a draft resolution to make the whole Borough a consent area with regards to street trading. If the draft policy and resolution is agreed anyone who wishes to trade in the Borough (which includes a road, footway or other area to which the public have access without payment) must hold a street trading consent or permission from the council. This would include private land that the public has access to without payment, but would not include pedlars, news vendors, shop forecourts, trading as a rounds man.
Read the draft Consent Street Trading Policy (PDF, 209 KB)
The first step in the process was an initial consultation with internal interested parties such as Highways, Community Safety and the Regeneration Team and then Members who agreed the proposal. The next steps were informal consultation with businesses and interested groups, followed by a statutory public consultation which ran until 30 September 2023.
Results and outcome
The draft policy and resolution has been agreed and anyone who wishes to trade in the Borough (which includes a road, footway or other area to which the public have access without payment) must hold a street trading consent or permission from the council. This includes private land that the public has access to without payment, but does not include pedlars, news vendors, shop forecourts, trading as a rounds man.