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15 December 2023

This week began with an interview with BBC Tees about the Medium Term Financial Plan before members considered the report at yesterday's Cabinet meeting.

In the afternoon I met with Jonathan Nertney, Head of Democratic Services, for an update on next year's elections amongst other topics. I then attended a briefing which included an update on the exciting Stockton Waterfront works.

Tuesday was a quieter day which allowed me to catch up with important paperwork.

On Wednesday morning, I visited the Stockton Waterfront site to mark the first day of construction. The project is transforming the riverside into an urban park with open spaces for families, market spaces and opportunities for cafes and kiosk. Find out more about the ambitious work underway here.

In the afternoon I met with Mike Greene, Chief Executive, to run through the TVCA cabinet papers in advance of Friday's meeting. I then had a meeting with Iain Robinson, Assistant Director of Town Centre Development, to discuss how plans for Billingham town centre are progressing.

Yesterday morning, I attended the Legal Services team meeting. At lunchtime I visited the new care leaver's space, No Limits Hub, at Stratford House to have a tour of the new hub and have lunch with our recent care leavers. It was a great opportunity to learn more about the issues important to them and how the Council can offer even better support.

I then joined the Police and Council Partnership Meeting with John Wrintmore, Superintendent for Cleveland Police, Mike Green and other senior members of the Council. We discussed policing initiatives such as clear, hold and build, and our meetings are always useful to ensure we are keeping the Borough as safe as possible.

Later in the day, I attended Cabinet where we discussed the financial update and Medium Term Financial Plan, the 2023 event summary, and the 2024 memorial lighting calendar, amongst other things.

Today, I am joining the TVCA Cabinet Meeting in the Teesside International Airport Business Suite. The agenda includes an updated from Ben Houchen, Tees Valley Mayor, and the discussion of the budget for 2024 to 2025. This afternoon I will also be attending my regular catch-up with Ged Morton, Director of Corporate Services.

This weekend I'm looking forward to relaxing and will be spending some time with my family. Middlesbrough are having a difficult time in the Championship, losing their last three games, most recently to Hull mid-week. This weekend they travel to Wales to play Swansea. Carrick and the team will be desperate for a win there to help them out of the bottom half of the table.

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