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2 February 2024

This week started with a briefing on our Medium Term Financial Plan from our Director of Finance, Transformation and Performance, Garry Cummings. Following that I had a meeting with the Council's Chief Executive, Mike Greene, to review the objectives we set in his appraisal 6 months ago.

On Tuesday morning I attended a General Licensing Meeting in the Jim Cooke Conference Suite. Later in the afternoon there was a Member's Briefing held remotely. On the agenda we had an update from Cleveland Police as well as where we are at in relation to the upcoming elections in May. If you're not registered to vote yet, you can do it online easily on the Government website.

Following that, I attended the Ropner Trusts' Board Meeting - a charity I work closely with and for which I am a Trustee.

Mid-week, it was the full Health and Wellbeing Board, which I Chair. We had an update on how our Winter Health Protection Plan is going, and also discussed our Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for the Borough.

Later in the evening I attended the Foster Carer & Supported Lodgings Awards at Wynyard Hall. It was a memorable night, and it was inspiring to hear about some of the worthy nominees and winners there.

Yesterday I was given a tour of the University Technical College campus in South Durham. Some students gave myself and other Senior Officers a tour, and we were joined by Tom Dower, the Principal there.

Later in the afternoon there was a pre-agenda meeting for a Special Cabinet Meeting on our MTFP happening next week.

Today is another busy day, where between other meetings I am attending the Tees Valley Integrated Care Partnership Area Meeting in Darlington. Items in the agenda included an update on dentistry and oral health, Healthwatch, and integrated working between partners.

At the weekend I'm looking forward to spending some time relaxing and seeing my family. Middlesbrough will be keen to bounce back from their semi-final loss when they play Sunderland at the Riverside on Sunday. It's always a good rivalry between the two teams and I hope we can emerge victorious against our closest rivals.

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