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Holidays Are Fun annual report 2023 to 2024

Case study - Harbour

Harbour works with families and individuals who are affected by abuse from a partner, former partner, or other family member. Families sometimes arrive at our refuges with only the clothes they are wearing; frightened and uncertain they have done the right thing. They can stay with us whilst they take time to think and make changes to the way they want to live.

At Harbour, the funding from Holidays are Fun (HAF) is so valuable as it has allowed us to provide lots of positive and new opportunities for our families and ultimately bring fun and enjoyment back into people's lives at a time when it is needed most. As an organisation we are so grateful to have the opportunity to receive this additional funding as it has made such a difference to so many families we have supported.

School holidays can often be a difficult time for our families. Some families may feel quite isolated as they may have had to move out of area away from family and friends, and having to adapt to a new environment can be difficult. For many of our families they may have experienced financial control and may be struggling financially so the funding from HAF has really alleviated stress and worries for them. Due to domestic abuse some of our families have not had the chance to try new things or do things together as a family and it has been wonderful watching our families having fun together. Hearing the children's laughter has been priceless and lots of new, happy memories have been made. Every day during HAF children were excited to learn what they would be doing next, and it was wonderful seeing these families smile and have fun.

Family A

Family A came into refuge having experienced abuse throughout all their lives. Mum had experienced abuse as a child from family members and was married at a very young age herself. This marriage was abusive in every way. The children also suffered at the hands of their abusive parent, and they had limited experiences throughout their childhood.

The HAF programme over the summer really allowed this family to take part in things they have never had the opportunity to do before. Mum and children had never played or engaged in activities together and it was just so wonderful to see them taking part in activities together and laughing and having fun. Due to their experiences the family had never been on days out together, and the family absolutely loved the trip to the farm. Mum said that this was the best day they have ever had and the excitement in the children's faces when they arrived was just priceless.

We hosted a trip to the beach and this family had also never stepped foot on a beach before. As the children played in the sand making sand castles, mum stood on the shoreline and cried. She said they were happy tears and that she was so grateful for all the opportunities the family had been provided with.

The little things that we take for granted really mean so much to our families and being able to create new and lasting memories is absolutely amazing. This particular family engaged throughout the summer and mum loved the activities just as much as the children. At the end of the summer mum got really emotional and she said that she was crying happy tears for everything everyone has done for her and she said she would have never imagined being as happy as she is now.

From Harbour's perspective, HAF provides opportunities that some families have never experienced before but really benefit from. The HAF programme supports our families with recovery and a life free from abuse moving forwards.

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