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Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Licensing Policy 2021 to 2026

Appendix B - Hackney carriage driver notes

Hackney carriage driver licence notes

(please refer to the conditions of hackney carriage vehicle licence, the byelaws with respect to hackney carriages and the council's private hire and hackney carriage licensing policy)

1. Conduct Of Driver

The driver shall:-

  • a) unless exempted in writing, wear the driver badge and display the dash display badge issued by the Council inside the vehicle in such a position as to be visible at all times to persons conveyed therein
  • b) the holder of a hackney carriage driver licence shall at all times when a vehicle is standing, plying for hire or being driven, carry the badge associated with the licence, which should be worn in such a manner as to be clearly visible by passengers at all times
  • c) the holder of a hackney carriage driver licence shall produce the badge on request, to an Authorised Officer of the Council or a Police Constable
  • d) afford all reasonable assistance with passenger's luggage
  • e) at all times be clean and respectable in his dress and person and comply with the Council's Dress Code
  • f) behave in a civil and orderly manner and comply with the Council's Code of Conduct
  • g) take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of passengers conveyed in, entering or alighting from their vehicle
  • h) not without the express consent of the hirer, drink or eat whilst driving the vehicle
  • i) not without the express consent of the hirer, play any radio or sound reproducing instruments or equipment in the vehicle other than for the purpose of sending or receiving messages in connection with the operation of the vehicle
  • j) at no time cause or permit the noise emitted by any radio or other previously mentioned equipment in the vehicle which he is driving to be a source of nuisance or annoyance to any person, whether inside or outside the vehicle; and
  • k) apply for the renewal of licence in advance to ensure continuity, there is no automatic period of grace
  • l) submit any notifications, applications or statutory declarations required in this Policy via online forms or email to

 2. Passengers

  • a) the driver shall not convey or permit to be conveyed in a hackney carriage vehicle a greater number of persons than that prescribed in the licence for the vehicle
  • b) the driver shall not allow there to be conveyed in the front of a hackney carriage vehicle, any child below the age of ten years; or more than one person above that age

3. Lost Property

  • a) the driver shall immediately after the termination of any hiring of a hackney carriage vehicle or as soon as practicable thereafter carefully search the vehicle for any property which may have been accidentally left there
  • b) if any property accidentally left in a hackney carriage vehicle by any person who may have been conveyed therein is found by or handed to the driver the property shall be returned to the owner if known or handed in at a Police Station as soon as possible

 4. Written Receipts

The driver should if required by the hirer of the hackney carriage vehicle provide a written receipt for the fare paid. The receipt shall contain:

  • date of issue
  • time of issue
  • vehicle licence plate number
  • driver name and licence number
  • metered fare (when applicable)
  • metered extras (when applicable)
  • total fare

5. Animals

  • a) the driver shall not carry in a hackney carriage vehicle any animal belonging to or in the custody of themselves or the proprietor or operator of the vehicle
  • b) any animal belonging to or in the custody or any passenger may at the driver's discretion be conveyed in the vehicle but shall only be conveyed in the rear of the vehicle


This discretion does not apply to a disabled persons' guide, hearing or assistance dog which must be carried in a hackney carriage vehicle without any additional charge, unless the driver holds a Certificate of Exemption on medical grounds issued under the Equality Act 2010.

 6. Prompt Attendance

The driver of a licensed vehicle shall ensure that if he has arranged to attend an appointed time and place, he shall attend punctually at the appointed time and place, unless unavoidably delayed or prevented from doing so when the hirer should be informed.

 7. Deposit Of Licence

If the driver is permitted or employed to drive a hackney carriage vehicle he shall before commencing to drive that vehicle, deposit the licence record card with the proprietor for retention until such time as the driver ceases to be permitted or employed to drive the vehicle or any other vehicle of his.

 8. Taximeter

Drivers of hackney carriage vehicles must use the taximeter as prescribed in the Byelaws at all times. Hackney carriage vehicles used for private hire purposes must always use the meter for journeys within the district.

 9. Fare To Be Demanded

Drivers of hackney carriage vehicles must use the taximeter as prescribed in the Byelaws at all times. No fare greater than appears on the meter can be charged, this includes private hire use.

10. Change Of Address

The driver should notify the Council in writing of any change of his address that appears on the licence during the period of the licence.

11. Convictions

  • a) drivers will be required to undertake an enhanced DBS disclosure status check every 6 months. All licensed drivers are required to evidence continuous registration with the DBS update service to enable the Licensing Authority to routinely use the Multiple Status Check Facility (MSCF) to check for new information
  • b) drivers are required to notify the Council in writing, within 48 hours of an arrest and release, charge or conviction of any sexual offence, any offence involving dishonesty or violence and any motoring offence
  • c) drivers shall notify the Council in writing, within seven days of an arrest and release, charge or conviction of any other offence not detailed above
  • d) a failure by a driver to disclose an arrest that the Council is subsequently advised of may be seen as behaviour that questions honesty and therefore the suitability of the driver regardless of the outcome of the initial allegation

12.  Return Of Badges

The driver should upon the expiry (without immediate renewal), revocation or suspension of this licence forthwith return to the Council the driver's badges issued by the Council when granting this licence.

13.  Loss/Theft Of Identification Badges

Loss or theft of the driver's licence or identification badges must be reported to the Council using the appropriate online form or email, as soon as the loss becomes known and in any case within two working days.

14.  Medical Fitness

  • a) drivers must inform the licensing service immediately if they suffer from a medical condition or disability or a condition or disability previously notified worsens that may alter their ability to drive a vehicle
  • b) a driver who receives medical treatment or medical consultation shall confirm with their medical attendant whether they are at that time fit to undertake the duties of a licensed driver in accordance with the DVLA's Guide to Medical Standards of Fitness for a Group 2 licence holder. Where any medical attendant specifies that a driver or prospective driver should not drive for a determinate or indeterminate period, the driver or prospective driver shall notify the Council immediately in writing of such medical opinion
  • c) existing licensees aged over 45 years must provide a medical examination report as evidence of their medical fitness to hold a licence every five years and after the age of 65 years, annually

15. Time Spent Abroad

Drivers shall notify the Council in writing when they intend to spend more than 3 months out of the country. Such notification shall include details of the country to be visited and relevant dates of departure and anticipated return. On return the driver shall complete and submit to the Council a statutory declaration.

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