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Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Licensing Policy 2021 to 2026

Appendix O - Conditions relating to horse drawn carriages

Horse Drawn Carriages (Landaus) And Drivers Conditions

  • 1. the proprietor of any licensed carriage shall ensure that the Conditions of Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence are complied with together with the following additional conditions:

The Vehicle - External Construction And Markings

  • 2. the vehicle shall be purpose built and suitable for the carriage of passengers.
  • 3. the vehicle and tack shall be inspected and approved as appropriate for use as a hackney carriage prior to licensing and then at six monthly intervals by an examiner approved by the Council.
  • 4. licensed carriages including all its fittings and equipment must at all times be maintained in a good condition and be kept clean and tidy. This includes the following examples which are for reference only and does not constitute a definitive list of matters that may be considered to evaluate whether a carriage is in a good condition:
    • body shell/paintwork - free from rust, broken metal and other visible damage
    • door hinges - shall be in good working order and to be seated correctly when closed
    • the carriage/horse must be fitted with such equipment as to be able to collect and retain horse manure, water and feed for the animal
    • all tack and fixtures must be kept in good order and be available for inspection by Authorised Officers

The Vehicle - Internal Construction And Markings

  • 5. the carriage shall meet the following minimum measurements:-
    • seats (length) - the shortest distance between the front and back of a seat (i.e. from the back rest to the front edge) must not be less than 450mm
    • in the case of rear facing seats, the distance between the backs of facing seats shall not be less than 1520mm. In all other cases the distance between the back rest of the seat and any facing obstruction must not be less than 760mm
    • seats (width) - The shortest distance between the edges of a seat shall be no less than 400 mm. Where the rear passenger seating area is divided into individual seats by way of formed cushions or other similar divide and, in the opinion of an Authorised Officer , affect the comfort of a passenger, the above measurement shall be ascertained by measuring the distance between seatbelt anchorages (if applicable)
  • 6. floor and seat coverings shall be kept in good condition and be free of holes, stains or other damage at all times
  • 7. a safe means of access and egress from the vehicle (e.g. a step and secure hand holds) shall be provided
  • 8. blankets shall be provided for the comfort of passengers

The Vehicle - Additional Conditions

  • 9. a vehicle licence applies solely to the vehicle specified on the licence and will be valid for a period of one year.
  • 10. each carriage shall be fitted with a tag, mark or similar device carrying a unique identification number.
  • 11. the licensed carriage shall display a front and rear licence plate as instructed by the Council.
  • 12. the licence and associated plates shall remain the property of the Council at all times.
  • 13. the proprietor of a licensed vehicle shall:
    • produce the licensed vehicle for inspection at the request of any Authorised Officer or Police constable
    • comply with any reasonable request made by an Authorised Officer or Police constable in respect of that vehicle
    • the carriage must have a valid Policy of insurance in respect of use as a hackney carriage; third party risks and a minimum of £5,000,000 public liability insurance
    • the carriage may only be used on previously approved routes and waiting and pick up locations will be subject to approval by the Council

The Horse

  • 14. the horse(s) must be a minimum of three years old
  • 15. a Veterinary Certificate signed by a Veterinary Surgeon approved by the Council stating that each horse is fit to carry out the work required of it, shall be submitted to the Council as part of the application process
  • 16. horses must be appropriately shod at all times
  • 17. if a horse is considered to be lame, or in any other way unwell so as to affect the ability of the horse to carry out the function, it shall be removed from service immediately
  • 18. horses must be provided with regular access to drinking water and food
  • 19. the horse(s), and its associated tack, must be examined and passed as fit for the task involved, by a Council appointed qualified veterinary surgeon who may also advise the authority on the maximum number of hours that a horse may work
  • 20. the Local Authority shall require the horse(s) to be examined by a Council appointed qualified veterinary surgeon on an annual basis, at time of renewal of the licence and at the licence holder's expense
  • 21. certified horses should be easily identified by means of microchip or permanent marking
  • 22. the horse(s) must have a current passport
  • 23. the horse(s) should be stabled in appropriate accommodation with access for inspection at all reasonable times
  • 24. any horse used in any one day as a horse drawn carriage horse shall not be used during that day for any other purpose
  • 25. no horse(s) shall be used for drawing a carriage during the hours of darkness
  • 26. sufficient horses must be provided to draw the licensed carriage for the period of intended use

The Driver

  • 27. the driver of the carriage must be a licensed hackney carriage driver and produce the following additional certificates before driving the carriage:
    • Suitable qualification demonstrating a knowledge of the most common horse ailments and basic knowledge of the horses general needs/requirements
    • Road Driving Certificate issued by either the British Driving Society or the Heavy Horse Training Committee, passing the driver as capable of handling the horse and carriage under highway conditions


  • 28. the Council must be notified of and agree the fares to be charged for each approved route
  • 29. fares shall not be varied without prior approval of the Council
  • 30. a table of authorised maximum fares shall be displayed in each carriage so that it is easily visible to the hirer


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