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Public health small grants scheme 2024 to 2025

The Public Health small grants scheme has been set up with the aim of supporting voluntary or community organisations to develop and implement a community-led approach to improving the health and wellbeing of current and future residents of Stockton-on-Tees, aligning with the council's 'Powering Our Future Programme.'

The scheme was initially created to support the local collaborative approaches to healthier weight, so the 2024 to 2025 scheme will focus on projects that encourage people to be more active, connect with others and have a healthier diet (or a combination of these elements).

Funding amount

The small grants scheme for 2024 to 2025 has a limited budget and we can offer support up to a maximum of £5,000 per organisation, which will need to be spent within 12 months from receipt of funds.

Please be aware that some applications may not be successful. This is dependent on how well applicants evidence the ways they will meet the evaluation criteria.

We may get a lot of applications. This means we may have to make some tough decisions around which projects we can fund, when reading all the applications we receive. So, there may be a number of projects, including good ones, that we cannot fund.

Further discussions may be needed to determine a suitable amount of funding up to but not exceeding £5,000 per annum per application.


Eligibility criteria

Applications are open to voluntary or community organisations, charities and not for profit organisations (particularly those that are embedded in local Stockton communities). Larger or national voluntary and community organisations or charities will normally not be considered under this scheme.

Applicant organisations must:

  • be a constituted organisation
  • have a UK bank account
  • service users must primarily be Stockton-on-Tees residents
  • have appropriate levels of indemnity and insurance for the activities that they are proposing to undertake (the organisation is fully responsible for insurance and indemnity appropriate for the activity proposed)
  • have relevant policies for example health and safety, safeguarding, child protection and vulnerable adult protection in place

Please note, you do not have to provide a copy of policies as part of your application, but you will need to sign a declaration which confirms that you have these in place prior to receiving funds.

Voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSE) organisations wishing to apply can access support from Catalyst's VCSE Support Officer, Heather Sykes. Heather can look over applications, help explain the policies needed to access the fund and provide templates for those organisations who need to put these policies in place before applying. Please note, Catalyst does not offer a service to complete applications or write policies on other organisation's behalf. To request an appointment with Heather email or call 07943 088740.  


What we will fund

Organisations that apply must show how the funding will support one or more of the priority outcomes:

  • combating isolation and supporting mental health
  • reducing inactivity and encouraging people to be more physically active
  • healthier eating and nutrition

Examples of costs that can be covered are:

  • resources and materials
  • venue or facilities hire
  • staff and training costs
  • equipment

Please be aware that we will not fund activities of a religious or political nature; however, this does not exclude religious organisations from applying for funding, as long as the activity proposed is not religious.

Examples of projects supported previously by Public Health include: 

  • peri-natal walking groups which will enable pregnant women and new mums to take part in suitable exercise - this provides the opportunity for connecting with other women, whilst getting the benefit of exercise
  • combating isolation and improving mental health through food growing and physical activity - the project allows people to come together, learn new skills and eat healthy meals together
  • pop-up community events for families that support increased physical activity and provide opportunities for families to connect with one another, as well as connect with wider support and services

Evaluation criteria for the proposed projects

In order to be successful in your application, you must ensure that your proposals meet the following criteria:

  • a project that can support communities to get active, eat healthier, or connect with others (or a combination of these)
  • a project that works in partnership with the local community through adopting a community-led approach
  • a project that is beneficial for the health and wellbeing for individuals in the local area (within Stockton-on-Tees)
  • a project that can continue to have an impact beyond the funding period, for example, is there an exit strategy or further funding you will apply for
  • a project that contributes to the right to live a fair, equal and healthier life, recognising the unique challenges faced by some communities, and fostering more opportunities for people to thrive (reducing inequalities)
  • the applicants should be willing to provide feedback on how the project progressed and any lessons that were learnt throughout the funding period
  • grant holders will be required to provide an update at 6 months and 12 months to show the progress and outcomes from the grant investment


Process for assessment of applications

Applications will be assessed by a panel of Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council officers and Catalyst, who will agree whether the proposals will receive grant funding. The proposals will be evaluated against the above criteria.

A meeting or site visit may be proposed, which may help to support your application in the final evaluation. Members of the panel will use the evaluation criteria stated above to assess applications.

You will be notified if you are successful or unsuccessful in your application, we anticipate this will be within 4 weeks of the deadline and will notify you if there are any delays or changes. Please be aware that feedback may not always be given as this depends on the number of applications that have been received.


How to apply

The application window will open on Thursday 5 September, and you will be able to complete the online application form. Your applications need to be completed and submitted to the relevant contact on or before Friday 4 October.

Complete the small grants scheme application form

If you are unable to complete the form online, you can request a paper copy of the documents which are to be completed and returned.

What happens next

Once you have submitted your application, you will get a confirmation email in recognition of receipt of your application.

After the deadline has been reached, the application window will close and applications will be evaluated. At this stage, you may be contacted to provide more information before a final decision can be made, this may include an online meeting or site visit.

All mandatory sections of the application form must be completed.

Once the formal evaluation process has been completed, you will be contacted to inform you whether you are successful or unsuccessful. If you are successful, payment will be made via BACS prior to project commencement. Please note that we will be in touch to get your bank details.

The grant money must be spent within 12 months of receiving funds.

You will be required to complete progress and evaluation forms and provide updates throughout the process. You will be supported throughout and progress and learning forms may be adapted to suit the requirements of your project by working with you to make these changes.

Key dates

Application window opens: Thursday 5 September

Drop-in sessions: Monday 23 September and Wednesday 25 September

Deadline for applications: Friday 4 October


Contact details

If you require more information about the application or grant scheme process, or would like to attend a drop-in session, please contact

If you are wanting to have a discussion regarding support needed for your application, please contact or call 07943 088740.  



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