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Sex Establishment Licensing Policy April 2021

Sexual Entertainment Venues (Additional Conditions)

There shall be prominently and legibly displayed a comprehensive tariff of all charges and prices which shall be illuminated and placed in such a position that it can be easily read by persons before entering the premises. Repeater notices containing this information shall also be prominently displayed inside the premises where they can easily be read by customers. No employee shall stand in such a position to obscure the notices.

No order shall be accepted unless the customer has been provided with a copy of the said tariffs and has been given sufficient time and opportunity to read it.

Any individual employed on the premises to conduct a security activity (within the meaning of The Private Security Industry Act 2001) must be licensed by the Security Industry Authority.

The Licensee must ensure that a suitable number (to be agreed by the Council), of trained staff are employed to supervise the interior of the premises whilst performances are taking place under this licence.

Performers shall be aged not less than 18 years and the licensee shall carry out proof of age checks prior to employment. The licensee shall maintain written records of the names, addresses and dates of birth of performers including details of the identity checks and criminal record checks carried out.

A code of conduct for performers shall be produced by the Licensee, together with a disciplinary procedure for breaches of the code, and which shall be implemented if approved in writing by the Council. No amendments shall be made to the code or disciplinary procedure without the prior written consent of the Council.

The Licensee shall ensure that all performers are aware of the code of conduct for performers and the disciplinary procedure and a copy of the code and disciplinary procedure shall be given to each performer and a copy shall be prominently displayed in the performers changing rooms.

Rules shall be produced by the Licensee for customers indicating conduct that is deemed acceptable and action that may follow for non compliance. These rules shall be prominently displayed at all tables, at the entrance to the premises and in the public toilets provided in the premises.

The Licensee shall implement a policy to ensure the safety and welfare of performers during periods of work and when they leave the premises after a period of work.

Only activities which have previously been agreed in writing by the Council shall take place.

There shall be no mixed gender performance at any time.

Performers shall only perform on the stage area, to seated customers or in such other areas of the licensed premises as may be agreed in writing with the Council.

Performers must remain clothed in public areas and all other areas except when performing in areas specified by the Council as where sexual entertainment may be provided.

Suitable and secure changing/dressing rooms shall be provided for performers.

At no time shall any customer, member or guest be permitted in the changing room(s).

Exit routes for performers to the changing/dressing rooms shall be kept clear.

Separate sanitary facilities shall be provided for performers.

Secure smoking areas shall be available for performers.

Performers must dress fully at the end of each performance.

Performers must never be alone in the company of a customer except in an area open to the public within the premises (except the toilets)

Performers must not perform a nude table dance unless in a supervised area or within five metres of a floor supervisor.

There shall be a minimum distance of one metre separation between the performer and any patron during any performance.

There shall be no physical contact between the customer and the performer before, during and after the performance except for the placing of monetary notes or dance vouchers into the hand or an article of clothing worn by the performer and notices outlining this requirement shall be prominently displayed at each table.

The Licensee shall ensure that during performances to which this licence relates:

  • performers may not perform any act that clearly simulates any sexual act
  • performers may not intentionally touch a customer any time during the performance unless by accident or due to a third party
  • performers may not use inappropriate, suggestive or sexually graphic language at any time
  • performers must never intentionally touch the genitals or breasts of another dancer or knowingly permit another dancer to intentionally touch their genitals or breasts;
  • performers shall not use sex toys as part of their performance
  • performers must not engage in communications that could be deemed as acts of prostitution or solicitation, even if the performer has no intention of carrying out the act
  • performers only perform nude or semi-nude dancing (of any description) within the areas specified by the Council
  • performers must not sit on or straddle customers
  • performers must not place their feet on the seat

The Licensee shall ensure that during any performance:

  • customers must be seated in an upright position against the back of the booth( if permitted by the Council) or seat with their hands by their sides before a dancer can start a table dance;
  • customers must remain seated during the entire performance of the dance;
  • for the purpose of restraint only, performers may only touch a customer above the customers chest with their hands only;
  • customers must not participate in any performance
  • customers may not dance at any time except in areas specifically designated by the Council as being separate from areas for sexual entertainment;
  • customers must remain appropriately clothed at all times.

The taking of any photographs, film, video or mobile phone photographs or video footage (excluding CCTV required by condition of licence) shall not be permitted and notices to this effect shall be prominently displayed at each table and at the entrance to the premises.

The Licensee shall produce and implement a drugs policy to the satisfaction of the Police Licensing Officer.

An incident book must be kept on the premises and maintained by the Licensee at all times. This must record date, time and description of incident/person involved that occur on the premises. The book must be made available to a Police officer or an authorised officer of the Council on request.

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