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Sex Establishment Licensing Policy April 2021

Sex Cinemas (Additional Conditions)

No film shall be exhibited at the premises unless it has been passed by the British Board of Film Classification as a U, PG, 12, 15, 18 or RESTRICTED (18 )and no notice of objection to its exhibition has been given by the Council.

Films in the RESTRICTED (18) category may be shown at the premises only with the Councils prior written consent and in accordance with the terms of any such consent.

Not less than twenty-eight days notice in writing shall be given to the Council of any proposal to exhibit any other film which has not been classified in accordance with the above conditions. Such a film may only be exhibited if the Councils prior written consent has been obtained and in accordance with the terms of any such consent.

No film shall be exhibited at the premises which is likely:

  • to encourage or to incite crime
  • to lead to disorder
  • to stir up hatred against any section of the public on grounds of colour, race or ethnic or national origins, sexual orientation or sex
  • to promote sexual humiliation or degradation of or violence towards women

the effect of which is, if taken as a whole, such as to tend to deprave and corrupt persons who are likely to see it; or

which contains a grossly indecent performance thereby outraging the standards of public decency.

If the Licensee is notified by the Council in writing that it objects to the exhibition of a film on any ground, such film shall not be exhibited.

Sex cinemas wishing to operate as a Club Cinema shall submit a copy of the cinemas Club Rules for approval and shall not operate until the written consent of the Council has been received.

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