Pupil attendance and absence management policy
Stage 3: legal process
The case file of intervention will be reviewed, and authorisation sought from the Inclusion and Vulnerable Learners Team Manager.
Papers and witness statements will be prepared and sent to Stockton Borough Council's Law and Democracy Department to obtain a summons from the Magistrate Court.
An attendance certificate detailing the period of prosecution signed by the head teacher is required and will be requested by the officer to accompany the paperwork sent to the solicitor prosecuting on behalf of the local authority from the Law and Democracy Department.
Following Prosecution
If the pupil's school attendance has improved, the case will be passed back to school for school level monitoring and should unauthorised absences reoccur, then the school should commence their school attendance procedures.
If unauthorised absence continues, the caseworker in consultation with the Inclusion and Vulnerable Learners Team Manager will take into consideration any new information. The case will be assessed to consider the range of parental responsibility measures to ensure the most appropriate response.
Schools should follow their Safeguarding Procedures for first day response throughout this process.