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Street trading consent guidance notes

Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982

Section A - General Policy On Street Trading

  1.  Stockton-On-Tees Borough Council have adopted the relevant provisions of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 in order to control street trading and potential problems of nuisance etc. associated with street trading.
  2. The streets designated Consent Streets require permission of Stockton-On-Tees Borough Council before any trading in such streets can take place
  3. .Each application will be decided on its own merits taking into account representation from the applicant 
  4. Each application must be submitted by the person wishing to trade, on the Council's application form and accompanied by the appropriate fee before consideration can be given to it.
  5. For practical purposes, a distinction has been drawn between day time and night time trading.
  6.  In respect of the High Street, Stockton-On-Tees, specific considerations apply as out lined in Section E below.

Section B - Factors To Be Considered

In considering an application for a Street Trading Consent the following matters will be taken into consideration:-

(i) The location from which the applicant wished to trade

(ii) The articles which the applicant proposes to sell

(iii) The times/dates/period for which the applicant proposes to trade

(iv) Whether application is sought for a "special occasion" (see section E)

(v)  Any other relevant circumstances

Section C - Day Time Consents

The following will apply to all daytime consents:-

(i)  Trading is only permitted between 4.00am and 7.00pm

(ii) The type of stall to be used for trading, e.g. van, stall, barrow, will be specified in the consent

(iii)  The Maximum size for a stall/barrow shall be 3m x 4m

(iv) The location (s) from which trading can take place will identified in the consent

(v) Trading off the floor shall be prohibited

Please Note special provisions apply to Stockton High Street - See Section E

Section D - Night Time Consents

The following will apply to all night-time consents:-

(i) Trading is only permitted between 7.00pm and 4.00am

(ii)  Consents will only usually be granted to hot food traders, although each application will be considered on its merits to see if there are exceptional circumstances warranting departure from the policy

(iii)  The type of stall to be used for trading e.g. van, barrow etc. will be specified in the consent

(iv) The location(s) from which trading can take place will be identified

Please Note special provisions apply to Stockton High Street - See Section E

Section E - Special Provisions Relating To Stockton High Street

It is the general policy of the Council to limit Street Trading Consents granted in Stockton High Street as follows:-

(i) Day Time Trading -  2 Consents on non-market days

(ii)  Night Time Trading -  2 Consents on any day

(iii) Although all applications will be considered on their merits and examined to see if there are any exceptional circumstances warranting a departure from the policy

(iv)  Further Consents may be granted for special occasions

(v) Special Occasions shall be occasions determined as such by the Council's Licensing Committee


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