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Energy Company Obligation (ECO) 3 help to heat flexible eligibility - Joint Statement of Intent

Section D: Scheme Requirements for Solid Wall Insulation (SWI) 'in-fill' projects

The five Tees Valley Authorities intend to use ECO Flexible Eligibility to facilitate solid wall insulation schemes including households that are not in fuel poverty or qualifying under vulnerable to cold criteria i.e. 'in-fill' properties.  Flexible eligibility only applies to private tenure, therefore all the properties on a declaration, including in-fill, must be private tenure, and infill only applies for the purposes of solid wall insulation.

Where a household does not meet the criteria for fuel poverty (outlined at 12 above) or living on a low income and vulnerable to the cold (outlined at 15 above), the local authority can declare a household as 'in-fill' where they are:

  • in the same terrace as
  • in an immediately adjacent building to, or
  • are in the same building as a household that does meet those criteria

In-fill is only allowed where a minimum percentage of households for which the LA is providing declarations are fuel poor (FP) or on a low income and vulnerable to the cold (LIVC), as set out in Table 1 below.

Not all the properties in one terrace need to be included in the SWI project in order for the project to be eligible under flexible eligibility.

Table 3 - Summary of the requirements for property types under in-fill

Property TypeLA declaration requirementsIn-fill available
Project consisting of a pair of semi-detached houses or bungalows, or a building containing no more than two domestic premises  At least one of the two-properties must be declared by the LA as FP or LIVC (i.e. 50% of the properties are FP or LIVC).  The other property to which it is directly adjoined is eligible for solid wall insulation. This is known as the infill property
Project consisting of any premises that are contained in the same building (e.g. flats), immediately adjacent buildings (e.g. neighbouring detached properties) or in the same terrace  All properties that are receiving a LA Flex measure must be covered by a declaration. This applies to LIVC, FP and in-fill properties.  Up to 50% of total FP or LIVC combined properties within the project can receive a measure The in-fill properties in the project are eligible for solid wall insulation, provided they are either in the same building, an immediately adjacent building or in the same terrace as the ones identified as FP or LIVC. 


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