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Section B: Identifying Households in Fuel Poverty (by household circumstances)

Households will be considered to be at risk of fuel poverty if they are determined to be a Low Income Household living in a High Cost home in relation to energy use.

B1: Defining a Low Income Household

Households will be considered as being at risk of fuel poverty if they are determined to be a low income household using the income levels set out in Table 1 attached as Annex 1 to this document.Households not in receipt of benefit that qualify for Affordable Warmth measures must meet the income criteria for Low Income as defined in Table 1, Annex1 of this document.

Income here is defined as total household income after tax (including council tax) and housing costs (if they pay rent or mortgage) have been deducted. This includes income from pensions and all benefits.

A different income threshold is provided for different types of household composition, reflecting that larger households require larger incomes in order to achieve the same standard of living as smaller ones.

B2: Defining a High Cost Home

A high cost home is a property with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of E, F or G. Or if there is no EPC available, the property is 'High Cost' if it scores at least 35 (points in answer to the questions set out as Table 2 at Annex 2

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