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Rules and Regulations in respect of the Borough Cemeteries

Purchase of Grave Rights

The Purchase of Grave Rights are:

  1. When a new grave is provided to an individual or family, the Council will simultaneously grant the Exclusive Right of Burial and the Right to Erect and Maintain a Memorial (the "Grave Rights"). The purchaser of these Grave Rights is known as the "Grantee"
  2. The Grave Rights entitle the Grantee to use the grave space for burial and memorial placement only. The Grave Rights do not confer upon the Grantee an interest in the land itself, which at all times will remain the absolute property of Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council
  3. For the avoidance of doubt, throughout these Rules and Regulations, all references to transactions concerning graves or grave spaces (including, but not limited to, the selection, grant, ownership, purchase or transfer of graves) shall be taken to relate to the Grave Rights only, and not the land comprising the grave
  4. The Exclusive Right of Burial and Right to Erect a Memorial can be granted for either 50 or 100 years for a full-size adult grave, and 25 years for graves in the Cremated Remains Gardens and Babies' Gardens
  5. Where a grave has previously been utilised, but not purchased (an "old reservation") the Exclusive Right of Burial and the Right to Erect and Maintain a Memorial can be granted for 50 years at a reduced fee
  6. The allocation and purchase of new grave spaces are controlled by the Cemeteries and Crematorium Unit Manager. The grave provided will normally be the next available space on the section and row being buried in at that time
  7. Graves may not be reserved, set aside, or made subject to any other expression of interest for any length of time. Once a grave has been selected, the purchase process must commence immediately, and be concluded without delay, or the grave will be made available to any subsequent interested purchaser
  8. Graves may be purchased in advance of a burial taking place. The purchase date will be the date payment is received for the grave
  9. Graves may be purchased by single individuals, or jointly with others. Where a grave is jointly owned, the written consent of every Grantee will be required in all matters concerning that grave. For this reason, it is recommended that Grantees are limited to no more than two or three in number. Whilst joint ownership may simplify grave administration after the death of the first Grantee, in cases where there is a large number of Grantees, obtaining all of their necessary consents may complicate and delay matters
  10. All Grantees have the right to be buried in the grave, provided that space remains for them
  11. A maximum of two graves may be purchased by any one person
  12. Full-size graves may not be purchased for the sole purpose of burial of cremated remains. However, when the maximum number of full-sized burials has taken place, cremated remains may be placed in the grave subsequently, if there is sufficient room to do so
  13. The Cemeteries and Crematorium Unit Manager will endeavour to assist those wishing to purchase a grave space in a particular section of a cemetery. However, this will be dependent upon the circumstances at that time
  14. A grave may not be registered in the name of a funeral director, firm of funeral directors, or a partner, director or employee of such a business organisation. Neither may a grave be registered in the name of a memorial mason

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