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Members' Allowances Scheme 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025

6. Travel and Subsistence Allowances

  • (a) Mileage Allowances
TransportAllowance per mile
Member's motorcycle21.45p per mile
Member's Car 
Motor car/tricar up to 999cc46.9p per mile
Motor car/tricar 1000 cc and above47.7p per mile
Bicycle/Cycle23p per mile


In addition 3p per mile can be claimed for each passenger carried (up to a maximum of 4) to whom a travelling allowance would otherwise be payable.

  • (b) Meal Allowances
Breakfast allowance (provided the journey starts before 7:00am)£7.76
Evening meal allowance (provided the journey ends after 8:30pm)£13.25


  • (c) Subsistence Allowance

Overnight or for an annual conference of the Local Government Association (including or not including an annual meeting) or of such other association of bodies as may be approved for the time being for the purpose. This allowance would normally cover the cost of accommodation and all meals within a 24 hour period. However, additional reimbursement for meals can be claimed in accordance with the scheme, if these, together with the cost of accommodation exceed £102.84.



  • d) Travelling and subsistence allowances may be paid for:
    • a meeting of the Cabinet
    • a meeting of the Council
    • a meeting of a committee of the Council
    • a meeting of some other body to which the Council makes appointments or nominations, or
    • a meeting of a committee or sub-committee of a body to which the Council makes appointments or nominations.
    • a meeting which has both been authorised by the Council or a committee of the Council
    • or a joint committee of the Council and one or more other authorities, or a subcommittee of a joint committee and to which representatives of more than one political group have been invited
    • a meeting of a local authority association of which the Council is a member
    • duties undertaken on behalf of the Council in pursuance of any standing order requiring a Member or Members to be present while tender documents are opened
    • duties undertaken on behalf of the Council in connection with the discharge of any function of the Council conferred by or under any enactment and empowering or requiring the Council to inspect or authorise the inspection of premises
    • duties undertaken on behalf of the Council in connection with arrangements made by the Council for the attendance of pupils at a school approved for the purposes of section 342 of the Education Act 1996
    • any other duty approved by the Council in connection with discharging the duties of the Council or its committees.
  • e) Within the context of this section of the Scheme "Member" includes a Co-optee.

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