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Friday 24 June

As Armed Forces Champion for the Borough it was my pleasure on Monday morning to attend the first of two celebrations this month of our Armed Forces community, a flag-raising ceremony outside Stockton Town Hall. Local residents can also show their support on Thursday, June 30, on Stockton High Street for the Borough's Armed Forces Day. These events are a fitting tribute to those who have served and also those who continue to do so.

In the evening I attended a meeting of the Ropner Trust of which I am a trustee. Since 1996 the charity has granted over £1million to help promote the education (social and physical) of people aged 25 and under, and has made grants available to groups and projects for the general benefit of the Borough's residents.

Tuesday saw an update on our Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) for myself and Deputy Leader, Councillor Lisa Evans from Ann Workman, Director of Adults and Health, and Sarah Bowman-Abouna, Director of Public Health. The HWB, an official Committee of the Council, ensures healthy relationships and partnership work with all health providers.

Wednesday began with an online catch-up with fellow Cabinet members, Councillor Norma  Stephenson,  Cabinet Member for Access, Communities and Community Safety, and Councillor Steve Nelson, Cabinet Member for Health, Leisure and Culture.

The monthly Tees Valley Leaders' meeting then took place in the afternoon via Microsoft Teams.

Full Cabinet met yesterday with a number of items on the agenda, including an update on the Council Plan for 2021-24 and the next steps in the ongoing Electoral Review by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England.

This morning I received a useful update on the Council's Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) from Garry Cummings, Director of Finance, Development and Business Services.

This weekend I am looking forward to spending time with my family.

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