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Friday 1 July

The week began with an online Cabinet briefing for myself and Deputy leader, Councillor Lisa Evans, from Managing Director Julie Danks. We discussed a number of items due before Cabinet in the coming weeks including an update on the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP), a review of enforcement policy and an update on our town centres.

This was followed by an update from Margaret Waggott, the Council's Assistant Director of Administration, Democratic and Electoral Services, on this month's events celebrating our Armed Forces community. As the Borough's Armed Forces Champion I always encourage residents to show their support at these events which included the Borough's Armed Forces Day celebrations on Stockton High Street yesterday.

I then travelled to Harrogate for the Local Government Association (LGA) Annual Conference. The four day conference is the biggest event in the local government calendar and was a great opportunity to discuss the latest issues affecting local government with other council leaders and officers from across the country. It is the first time in three years the conference has been held in person due to the pandemic.

Today it was back to usual business starting with a useful update on our town centres from Garry Cummings, Director of Finance, Development and Business Services.

This afternoon I'll join other Leaders from across the Tees Valley at Teesside International Airport to discuss a number of agenda items ahead of the Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA) AGM and Cabinet later this month.

This weekend I am looking forward to spending time with my family.

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