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3 February 2023

This week started with a meeting between myself, the Deputy Leader of the Council Councillor Lisa Evans, and the Council's Chief Executive Mike Greene. These fortnightly catch ups a great to keep us all up to speed with what's happening in the Council and keep us all pulling in the same direction.

On Tuesday morning it was the General Licensing Committee which was held in person in the Jim Cooke Suites at Municipal Buildings. In the afternoon myself and other Councillors had a virtual briefing session with the Council's Corporate Management Team.

On Wednesday morning I attended the launch event of our Domestic Abuse Strategy, which describes our shared vision, joint approach and strategic priorities to tackling domestic abuse in Stockton-on-Tees over the next five years. You can read the strategy yourself by visiting the Council's domestic abuse support page..

In the afternoon I attended a pre-agenda meeting for a special Cabinet meeting happening on Monday 13 February which will focus on the Council's Medium Term Financial Plan.

Yesterday I met with senior officers from the Finance, Development and Regeneration Team to get an update the work of the directorate.

Today I am making the most of a quiet day to catch up on paperwork and get through my emails.

This weekend I'm looking forward to spending some time with my family. Middlesbrough now sit third in the Championship table following a fantastic home win against Watford. They're home again against Blackpool on Saturday who sit close to the bottom of the table so it should be another win, strengthening our position in the play-off spots.

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