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Big Objectives


The Big Objectives are made up of 9 key areas:

  • community safety
  • communications and engagement
  • young people's services
  • health and wellbeing
  • business, regeneration and transport
  • environment and green spaces
  • arts, leisure and culture
  • special educational needs (SEN)
  • equality and diversity

Each area is led by a head of department who, alongside the BMBF Chair, make up the Big Committee. The head sets 3 goals as the big objectives for their area and spends their year as a BMBF head working towards them.

Community safety

The Big Objectives for community safety are:

  • improve the relationship between young people, enforcement and police
  • tackle and raise awareness of hate crime and online crime
  • helping young people to feel safe in their communities

The Head of Community Safety is Vicky Nightscales.

Communications and engagement

The Big Objectives for communications and engagement are:

  • increase membership of BMBF
  • create podcasts and radio shows
  • ensure all social media channels are being used effectively to engage young people and partners

The Head of Communications and Engagement is Lily Crisp.

Young people's services

The Big Objectives for young people's services are:

  • encourage volunteering and connectivity of young people
  • recognise young people's achievements and inspiring stories
  • build strong relationships with youth groups and student councils

The Head of Young People's Services is Emma Smith.

Health and wellbeing

The Big Objectives for health and wellbeing are:

  • promoting and encouraging healthy lifestyles and activity
  • tackling social isolation and loneliness
  • working with Public Health on key campaigns

The Head of Health and Wellbeing is Olivia Jessop.

Business, regeneration and transport

The Big Objectives for business, regeneration and transport are:

  • create better partnerships with local businesses
  • support the Council in the engagement of children and young people with town centre regeneration
  • secure funding for a BMBF volunteering rewards scheme app

The Head of Business, Regeneration and Transport is Bailey-Louise Rogers.

Environment and green spaces

The Big Objectives for environment and green spaces are:

  • develop and support allotments and community growing spaces with opportunities for young people
  • hedgehog preservation campaign
  • work with local schools and organisations to expand and encourage opportunities for meat-free and vegan as a more sustainable option

The Head of Environment and Green Spaces is Sally Sheridan.

Arts, leisure and culture

The Big Objectives for arts, leisure and culture are:

  • encourage more young people to access our local museums, libraries and event spaces
  • promote and engage young people in Council events
  • increase participation in the arts

The Head of Arts, Leisure and Culture is Elise Watson.

Special educational needs (SEN)

The Big Objectives for special educational needs (SEN) are:

  • support and empower SEN young people to have a voice
  • engage and recruit SEN young people to join BMBF and get involved in activities and events
  • promote equality and value diversity of SEN young people

The Head of Special Educational Needs (SEN) is Alex Matthews.

Equality and diversity

The Big Objectives for equality and diversity are:

  • promoting equality and valuing diversity
  • zero tolerance to bullying, harassment and victimisation
  • improve knowledge and understanding of beliefs, cultures and disabilities

The Head of Equality and Diversity is Paul Sinha.

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