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Car parking

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Information on Blue Badge parking permits

Check if you are eligible for a Blue Badge and how to apply.

Apply for a season ticket

How to apply for a parking season ticket and the locations it can be used.

Find a car park

Car park locations and charges in Stockton-on-Tees.

Pay a parking or bus lane fine

Use our online form to pay or appeal your fine.

Parking waivers

Circumstances we may give a parking waiver in and how to apply.

Resident parking zones

Apply for a resident, visitor, business or all zone permit.

Yarm resident parking schemes and permits

Apply for a resident or visitor permit to park on Yarm high street.

Business permits

Business permit locations and how to apply.

Apply for an advisory disabled bay

Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council will consider applications to provide, free of charge, advisory disabled parking bay markings close to properties where a resident's mobility is dependent on them having their vehicle parked immediately outside their home.

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