Current workforce profile
- Corporate Management Team Structure (PDF, 23 MB)
- Pay Policy Statement 2023-24 (PDF, 200 KB)
- Gender Pay Gap Report 2024 (PDF, 981 KB)
- Public Sector Equality Duty Report 2023 to 2024 (PDF, 939 KB)
- NJC Salary scales April 2024 (PDF, 154 KB)
- Senior Management Salaries 2024 (PDF, 92 KB)
Trade Union representatives
There are fifteen workplace stewards at the Council. The Branch Secretary is the only officer involved in any active casework with very little involvement by workplace stewards. The number of representatives who spent at least 50% of their time on union duties is one with an estimated spend on trade union duties at £38,545. The relative estimate spending is 0.03% of the total pay bill.
Council Officers earning over £50,000
View the list of Council Officers earning over £50,000 and their roles (PDF, 159 KB)
Job Title | Salary | Responsibilities |
Xentrall Finance Manager | £50,512 | Responsible for the development and delivery of transactional Finance services and systems to a multiple customer estate. |
Technology Enablement and Business Rates Manager | £50,512 | Responsible for service wide business enablement, driving initiatives that enable greater employee productivity and functions including reconciliations and business rates. |
Team Manager - Youth Support | £50,512 | Leads a high-quality integrated Youth Support and Targeted Youth Support Service to deliver effective preventative, targeted and intensive interventions to respond to the need's children, young people aged 10-25 years who have been exposed to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) and present as complex and vulnerable. |
Team Manager - Youth Justice | £50,512 | Responsible for the effective co-ordination and delivery of youth justice services to children, their families and victims. Management of the Youth Justice Team (YJT) and to assist the Service Lead in ensuring that young people have access to a wide range of universal, preventative, targeted and intensive youth support services. |
Team Manager - Through Care | £50,512 | Manages the delivery of high quality children's social work services, within legislative and corporate frameworks, meeting operational targets and outcomes and taking defensible operational decisions which reflect service policies and standards. |
Team Manager - Sufficiency, Early Years, Childcare and CIOC (Children in our care) | £50,512 | Promotes, develops and facilitates effective, collaborative partnership working with a wide range of stakeholders ensuring the needs of families, children and young people are met. |
Team Manager - Sufficiency Schools and SEND | £50,512 | Plans and develops appropriate systems to ensure the effective management of school and SEND place planning including the modelling of pupil numbers and projections across the borough. |
Team Manager - Private Sector Housing | £50,512 | Leads on a team delivering a high quality, private sector housing services, this will including developing appropriate strategies, the production of appropriate policies and ensuring the Council responds to new legislation and regulation. |
Team Manager - Learning Disability and Mental Health Services | £50,512 | Manages a team to provide a social care service to service users. |
Team Manager - Independent Review | £50,512 | Leads and manages a team of Independent Review Officers (IRO) to ensure timely and appropriate response to care planning work including safeguarding. |
Team Manager - Improvement | £50,512 | Responsible for the development, shaping and delivery an overarching programme of improvement and transformation to meet the needs of children, young people and their families. |
Team Manager - Housing Investment and Migration Support | £50,512 | Contribute to the design, implementation, and delivery of the Council's housing services relating to housing investment projects, Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG's) and refugee and migration support. |
Team Manager - Homelessness and Housing Solutions | £50,512 | Ensures the Council fulfils its statutory functions in relation to homelessness and homelessness prevention; this includes exploring (and securing) appropriate housing options for customers, the management and development of the Housing Gateway Service, ensuring the appropriate provision of temporary accommodation and providing and adequate out of hours advice to the Emergency Duty Team. |
Team Manager - Family Solutions | £50,512 | Manages the delivery of high quality children's social work services, within legislative and corporate frameworks, meeting operational targets and outcomes and taking defensible operational decisions which reflect service policies and standards. |
Team Manager - Family Placement | £50,512 | Manages the delivery of high quality children's social work services, within legislative and corporate frameworks, meeting operational targets and outcomes and taking defensible operational decisions which reflect service policies and standards. |
Team Manager - Disabled Childrens | £50,512 | Manages the delivery of high quality children's social work services, within legislative and corporate frameworks, meeting operational targets and outcomes and taking defensible operational decisions which reflect service policies and standards. |
Team Manager - Contextual Safeguarding | £50,512 | Leads the development, implementation and continuous improvement of contextual safeguarding approaches and practice across Children's Services and our partners. |
Team Manager - Children and Families South | £50,512 | Ensures the effectie delivery of social care services to a specific group of service users. |
Team Manager - Children and Family Social Care | £50,512 | Ensures the effectie delivery of social care services to a specific group of service users. |
Team Manager - Careers | £50,512 | Responsible for and manage, develop, lead the effective co-ordination and delivery of an excellent Opportunities service through Information Advice and Guidance (IAG), supporting young people and adults aged 14 up to 29 years to increase aspirations, improve economic wellbeing and have skills for life, particularly the most vulnerable. |
Team Manager - Assessment | £50,512 | Ensures the provision of an effective social work service for service users. |
Team Manager - Adult Social Care | £50,512 | Ensures the provision of an effective care management and social work service for service users. |
Team Manager - Adult Safeguarding Team | £50,512 | Manages the day to day operational management of the Adult Safeguarding Team. |
Team Manager - Adoption Tees Valley | £50,512 | Responsible for the strategic development and operational management of Adoption Tees Valley, reporting to the Tees Valley Strategic Management Board. |
Strategy and Greenspace Development Manager | £50,512 | Lead role in the development and delivery of strategies, plans and interventions to achieve the Council's priorities for development with specific responsibility for the development of countryside, green spaces and the environment. |
Strategic Health and Wellbeing Manager | £50,512 | The public health specialist lead for developing, implementing, managing and evaluating place-based approaches to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities in Stockton-on-Tees through a wide range of public health partnerships, strategies, evidence-based programmes and services. |
Service Strategy and Improvement Manager | £50,512 | To be responsible for leading Service strategy, quality and improvement for Children's Services |
Service Development and Logistics Manager | £50,512 | Responsible for the effective and efficient leadership, performance and management of assigned services, staff, and budgets. To deputise for the Construction and Facility Services Manager as required. |
Registered Manager - Rosedale | £50,512 | CQC registered Manager of Rosedale, a 24 hour 44 bedded reablement and assessment facility registered as a residential care home. |
Registered Manager - Residential Care | £50,512 | Registered with Ofsted as the responsible individual for the Local Authorities registered children's home, short breaks provision and supported accommodation. |
Media Manager | £50,512 | Manages the Council's Media Team to ensure the development and delivery of an excellent media relations and social media service across the Council. |
Manager - Children's Systems | £50,512 | Leads on the implementation of the Children's systems strategy, including the management of system replacement projects and data migration. |
Insurance Manager | £50,512 | Responsible for professional and commercially focused insurance support and advice service to all Council services. |
HR Manager - Learning and Development | £50,512 | Lead on the provision of a professional Learning and Development Service. |
HR Manager - Employee Health, Well-Being and Engagement | £50,512 | Responsible for a multi disciplinary team of Occupational Health professionals, HR, Support and Engagement Officers to develop and deliver a comprehensive occupational health, employee health and wellbeing, and engagement service to the Council and, where appropriate supported Schools and Academies, and delivery of the HR Business Unit Plan. |
HR Manager - Advisory | £50,512 | To manage a team of HR Officers and support staff to ensure the delivery of timely and professional HR advice to the Council and supported Schools and Academies to assist in the delivery of the HR Business Unit Plan in relation to Pay and reward, organisational change, recruitment, workforce date and employee benefits. |
First Contact and Intermediate Team Manager | £50,512 | Lead on the implementation and delivery of intermediate care services for social care. |
Finance Manager | £50,512 | Responsibility for financial services covering a designated area. |
Design and Print Manager | £50,512 | Responsible for the Management of an efficient, effective and responsive printing and design service. |
Corporate Administration Manager | £50,512 | To manage the Corporate Administration Service providing an efficient service across the organisation, with the overall aim to ensure the Service remains focused and effective with the available resources, thus providing assurance to services of the support and resilience a Corporate Administration Service provides, which in turn allows them to focus on their core service. |
Community and Partnership Manager | £50,512 | Manage the development, and management of Partnerships and Parenting Offer across the borough. Ensuring that all service provision will contribute to the delivery of the Children's Services priorities and the aims and objectives of the 0-19 Wellbeing Model. |
Building and HVE Service Manager | £50,512 | Responsible for the effective and efficient leadership, performance and management of assigned services, staff, and budgets. To deputises for the construction and facility Services Manager as required. |
Adult Social Care Operations and Sensory Support Team Manager | £50,512 | Ensures the provision of an effective care management and social work service for service users and to have lead responsibility for the Operations and Sensory Support teams. |
SCITT and ECT Curriculum Development Advisor | £51,425 | Supports with the operational delivery of the School Centered Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) programme and contribute to the partnership's strategic development. |
Transport Planning and Strategy Manager | £52,694 | Responsible for the effective management of the Transport Planning and Strategy service for the Council including development of the Borough's Transport Policy and Strategy. Responsible for the funding bids, management of the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) programme, promotion of sustainable transport and active travel, transport decarbonisation and major transport infrastructure and development planning. |
Teeswide Safeguarding Adult Board Business Manager | £52,694 | Ensures that the Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board (TSAB) effectively discharges its responsibility to safeguard adults at risk, as defined by the Care Act (2014), accompanying guidance and the Teeswide Inter-Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures. |
Registered Supported Accommodation Service Manager | £52,694 | Responsible for ensuring that the Local Authority registered Supported Accommodation provisions operate within legislative and corporate frameworks, meeting legal requirements, operational targets and outcomes and taking defensible operational decisions which reflect service policies and standards. |
Design and Projects Manager | £52,694 | To provide support to the Programme Delivery Manager on the delivery of capital projects exclusively associated with all town centre developments. |
Cluster Manager | £52,694 | To lead in the ongoing development and implementation of the directorate vision, culture and sufficiency business planning in regards to support to families and care placements. |
Cluster Home Registered Manager | £52,694 | To lead in the ongoing development and implementation of the directorate vision, culture and sufficiency business planning in regards to support to families and care placements. |
Town Centres Improvement Officer | £53,969 | To have a strategic input into the effective development and delivery of the Council's Town Centres Investment Programme. |
Team Manager - Emergency Duty Team | £53,969 | Manages the Emergency Duty Service ensuring the provision of a comprehensive out of hours social work response to the residents of the Tees Valley area including Darlington. |
Principal Solutions Architect | £53,969 | Responsible for the design, security and development of the ICT Technology Stack, comprising of end user experience, on-premise and cloud server and service platforms, data protection platforms, security posture, connectivity, collaboration platforms and other Council related ICT services. |
Preston Park Museum and Grounds Manager | £53,969 | To provide the creative vision and leadership to drive forward PPMG in line with the strategic plan, developing the site into a top visitor attraction in the North East Region, ensuring a quality and contemporary Museum Offer and customer experience. To be responsible for all associated assets, as well as future developments of the Museum and Grounds, ensuring PPMG as a visitor attraction meeting its full potential. |
ICT Projects and Applications Manager | £53,969 | The development and delivery of an ICT work-plan encompassing all customer ICT projects, providing ICT business analysis, procurement, application development, application support and customer liaison services. |
HR Manager - Organisational Planning and Change | £53,969 | To manage a team of HR Officers and support staff to ensure the delivery of timely and professional HR advice to the Council and supported Schools and Academies to assist in the delivery of the HR Business Unit Plan in relation to pay and reward, organisational change, recruitment, workforce data and employee benefits. |
Highways and Street Lighting Manager | £53,969 | To manage the development and implementation of operational highways and street lighting services and associated staff and budgets in accordance with the Council's strategic and service objectives. |
Fleet Services Manager | £53,969 | Responsible for the delivery of all Fleet and Transport Services on behalf of Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council which include technical, commercial and financial outcomes. To ensure meets its statutory and legal responsibilities under Government regulations. |
Democratic Services Manager | £53,969 | To contribute to the leadership, challenge and strategic direction specifically for Democratic Services functions. To contribute to the provision of Democratic services functions in accordance with the Council's values, vision, objectives, plans and priorities. |
Service Lead - SEND Placement and Governance | £55,104 | Responsible for leading on the co-ordination of placements for children with special educational needs and the response to SEND tribunals, external complaints, information requests and mediation. |
Customer Services Manager | £55,104 | Responsible for the leadership, implementation and management of Customer Services, ensuring the delivery of a high performing, responsive service across the full range of access channels and working in partnership with Council services to deliver a seamless service to customers. This includes leadership and management of all activities relating to Customer Service Excellence, including embedding quality standards in service practice |
Service Lead - Virtual School, Headteacher | £55,379.20 | Ensure LA targets and priorities for the Virtual School are met and that Business Unit Plans are implemented effectively to raise standards and achievement, to promote inclusion and wellbeing and so to improve life chances for all learners across Stockton-on-Tees especially Looked After Children. |
Transformation and Change Programme Manager | £56,024 | Responsible for the design, implementation and delivery of the Council's Powering our Future programme, on behalf of the Corporate Management Team. |
Team Manager - Residential Care | £56,024 | Responsilbe for ensuring that the Local Authority registered residential and registered supported accommodation settings, operate within legislative and corporate frameworks, meeting legal requirements, operational targets and outcomes and taking defensible operational decisions which reflect service policies and standards. |
Service Lead - Strategic Planning | £56,024 | To be responsible for leading Service strategy, quality and improvement for Children's Services |
Service Lead - Performance | £56,024 | Leads on the implementation and ongoing development of the Council's Performance and Improvement framework. |
Quality Assurance and Workforce Development Manager | £56,024 | Responsible for the effective and efficient strategic leadership and management of Adult Social Care performance and practice standards. To explore and facilitate service improvement initiatives to achieve the required quality assurance outcomes. |
Principal Finance Manager | £56,024 | Responsible for managing the revenue financial plans and strategies for the directorates within the Council, aligning financial resources to service priorities, Council and Service plans. |
Digital and Website Development Manager | £56,024 | Responsible for the strategic leadership, implementation and performance management of the Council's websites and interactive digital solutions, ensuring compliance with prevailing standards for accessibility, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), including the management of assigned staff and budgets. |
Deputy Service Manager - Adoption Tees Valley | £56,024 | Supports the Service Manager and take an active role in the delivery of a high quality Regional Adoption Agency (RAA), which provides the adoption service for the 5 Local Authorities of Darlington, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland, and Stockton-on-Tees Borough Councils. |
Community Safety Service Manager | £56,024 | Responsible for the efficient and effective delivery of all our community safety responsibilities. |
Children's Quality and Practice Lead (PSW) | £56,024 | Lead, develop and oversee children's social care practice. |
Capital Programme Manager | £56,024 | Responsible for the design, implementation and delivery of the Council's Capital programme, on behalf of the Corporate Management Team. To shape capital infrastructure development in Stockton-on-Tees for future generations. |
Building Control Manager | £56,024 | The effective and efficient performance and management of the Building Control Section and supervision of such staff as allocated. |
Xentrall HR Manager | £56,965 | To be responsible for the operational HR and Payroll services for Stockton Council, Darlington Council and Academies that Xentrall provide the service to. |
Valuation and Property Manager | £56,965 | Responsible for providing a comprehensive service of professional advice and assistance in relation to all Council land and property matters, including responsibility for the management of our land and property portfolio, disposals and acquisitions, commercial leases, regeneration schemes and Compulsory Purchase Orders. |
Strategic Development Manager (Adult and Health) | £56,965 | Responsible for the strategic development, implementation and evaluation of strategies and initiatives in respect of Adults and Health. |
Service Manager QA and Brokerage | £56,965 | Responsible for a strategic co-ordinating and delivery role in the sourcing and management of all regulated care services (Children and Adults) and Day Opportunities. |
Service Manager - Tees Valley Music Services (TVMS) | £56,965 | Manages the TVMS Partnership Manager, the Teaching and Learning Manager, the Support Service Manager and the Area Coordinators. To oversee the management of all TVMS Music Education Hub staff. |
Service Lead - Systems | £56,965 | To be responsible for System strategy, implementation, development and maintenance for Adults' Services and Children's Services. |
Procurement Service Manager | £56,965 | Responsible for a strategic co-ordinating and delivery role in the procurement of goods, services and works in respect of all Council Services. |
Place Development Manager | £56,965 | Responsible for all aspects of placemaking and the environmental, social, health and economic benefits it can bring. In particular undertaking Masterplanning, Strategic Frameworks, development of pipeline interventions, visualisations and promotional literature, advice and guidance on Place Development, Asset Strategy, management and improvement (including the office accommodation strategy). In addition, are involved in attracting inward investment. |
Lead Solicitor | £56,965 | To provide high quality legal advice and support to the Council in an efficient and cost effective manner and in accordance with pertinent legislation, policies and best professional practice. |
Family Placement Registered Manager | £56,965 | To hold registration with Ofsted for the Local Authorities fostering agency, manage and take a lead role on the delivery of high quality fostering services, within legislative and corporate frameworks, meeting operational targets and outcomes and taking defensible operational decisions which reflect service policies and standards. |
Environmental Health Service Manager | £56,965 | To be responsible for the effective and efficient management of the Environmental Health Service, the delivery of all allocated service responsibilities, and the management of all section staff. |
Economic Development Manager | £56,965 | Responsible for a number of functions including economic strategy and planning, Business Engagement and Support, Enterprise assistance and education, employability and business intelligence and forecasting. In addition, the team take a pro-active role in inward investment and business growth across the Borough including working alongside other teams to explore and undertake direct interventions. |
Design Services Manager | £56,965 | To be responsible for the development, delivery and monitoring of Architectural, Civil Engineering, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering services. To have lead responsibility for all matters relating to the Council's asbestos policy. |
Adult Safeguarding Lead | £56,965 | To ensure the provision of an effective and comprehensive Adult Social Care service to support our priorities and in keeping with our responsibilities under the Care Act (2014). |
Adult Learning and Skills Manager | £56,965 | To be responsible for the management of the service that delivers of a wide range of courses to support individuals who are interested in learning for work, life, or for pleasure. The service also deliver a wide range of apprenticeship programmes to support the Council and other employers to recruit and train apprentices to support their business needs. |
General Adviser 0-11 | £58,308 | The purpose of the job is to promote high standards in all matters relating to 0-11 education in schools and settings. |
Education Development Adviser | £62,440 | To promote high achievement for Children in Our Care and previously in care. |
Highways Manager | £62,504 | Responsible for the management and maintenance of the Borough's Highways and Bridges, Street Lighting, Public Rights of Way, Adopted Street Register, Street Naming and Numbering and Flood Risk Management. |
Assurance Manager | £62,504 | To provide a comprehensive internal audit service, to lead on the councils Health and Safety Policy and to provide independent assurance from delivery of audit plan. |
Strategic Lead - A Fairer Stockton-on-Tees | £63,740 | To drive forward the Councils A Fairer Stockton-on-Tees Framework, making a positive contribution to the reduction of individual and neighbourhood inequalities. |
Strategic Finance Manager | £63,740 | Lead responsibility for developing long term financial plans and strategies for Childrens and Adults, and Development and Neighbourhood Services in order to align financial resources to corporate strategies, service plans and service pressures. This will include support to initiatives and projects to meet budget pressures. |
Service Lead - Family Support | £63,740 | To be responsible for leading a high quality integrated family support service to enable families to help themselves and support effective early intervention. |
Service Lead - Early Support and Projects | £63,740 | Delivery of high quality services through Early Years, and Targeted Early Help with Schools. |
Stockton and Darlington Railway (S&DR) Bicentenary Festival Director | £63,740 | Responsible for the planning and overseeing of all aspects of the Stockton and Darlington 200th Bicentenary festival programme. |
Programme Delivery Manager | £63,740 | To be responsible for the development and delivery of the Town Centre Investment Programme across the Boroughs ensuring that complex programmes and projects are managed in accordance with defined governance arrangements and best practice principles. |
Planning Services Manager | £63,740 | To be responsible for a range of functions associated with the determination of planning applications and development management, planning enforcement and planning policy. |
Community Engagement and Consultation Manager | £63,740 | To be responsible for Council's Community engagement and to fulfil the Council's legal duty to consult with local people and stakeholders before making decisions about most services we deliver. |
Chief Accountant | £63,740 | To have lead responsibility for safeguarding the interests of the Council by ensuring robust financial reporting and monitoring arrangements, and aligning reserves and balances with the Medium Term Financial Plan. To lead on Treasury Management function and on VAT advice. Plan and direct the closure of accounts process, preparing the Statement of Accounts in full compliance with government legislation. |
Catering and Cleaning Service Manager | £63,740 | To have lead responsibility for the development, delivery and monitoring of the catering and cleaning services across the Council and within schools. To ensure best practice in food nutrition for children within the schools that we serve. |
SCITT Partnership Manager | £65,794 | To lead on School Centred Initial Teacher Training and recruitment activities across phases, in partnership with schools and other agencies as appropriate and to lead on NQT Induction. |
Service Lead - Children in our care (CIOC) and Care Experienced Young People | £66,210 | Responsible for leading on the development and delivery of a high-quality, high performing service to children in our care and care experienced young people transitioning to adulthood and to deliver active meaningful participation and co-production with children and young people through the children in care council. |
Service Lead - School Inclusion and Vulnerable Learners | £67,133 | Responsible for ensuring the appropriate assessment, intervention and support is provided to children and young people with support needs in the following areas; communication and interaction, cognition and learning, social, emotional and mental health and sensory and physical, and those within vulnerable groups. |
Strategic Lead - Delivering Better Value | £67,444 | Strategic lead and co-ordination of projects relating to Delivering Better Value for SEND and the wider development of SEND Services, including future planning and forecasting of need and provision. |
Service Lead - Childrens Response and Assessment | £67,444 | Responsibility for leading a high quality multi agency information, signposting, response and assessment service to oversee actions to safeguard children and to ensure consistency in practice and decision making. |
Head of Policy Development and Public Affairs | £67,444 | Working closely with the Corporate Management Team and Elected Members to contribute to the leadership, challenge and strategic direction specifically for Corporate Services and to contribute to the wider across Council services in accordance with the Council's values, vision, objectives, plans and priorities. |
Event Development and Production Manager | £67,444 | Responsible to the Assistant Director of Culture Libraries and Events, in the provision of leadership and management for Event Safety and Production Service, including all associated activities across Culture Services. |
Town Centres Development Manager | £68,674 | Responsible for the effective development of the Council's Town Centres investment programme including leading on the identification, management and delivery of strategic regeneration opportunities, interventions, and support to positively enhance and sustain the town centres in the Borough including the management of assigned services, staff and budgets. |
Service Manager - Safeguard and Personalisation | £68,674 | To be responsible to the Director of Adults and Health for the effective and efficient leadership, performance and management of Safeguarding, Personalisation and Carers services initially. |
Service Lead - Strengthening Service Board | £68,674 | Works alongside the Senior Leadership Team to implement and operationalise elements of the Strengthening Services Plan under the corporate Transformation umbrella. |
Learning Disability and Mental Health Service Manager | £68,674 | To be responsible to the Director of Adults and Health for the effective and efficient leadership, performance and management of Learning Disability and Mental Health Services. To work in partnership with other statutory, voluntary, community and independent sector organisations in the delivery of these services. |
Intergrated Early Intervention and Prevention Service Manager | £68,674 | To develop the strategy and lead the teams engaged in the early intervention and prevention agenda. To manage the Early Intervention and Prevention Services within Adults Social Care. |
Head of Service Childrens Strategy and Communication | £68,674 | Responsible for the high quality strategic planning, transformation and policy direction across Children's Services which contributes to continuous improvement. |
Head of Quality and Practice Improvement | £68,674 | Overall accountability for development and delivery of safeguarding standards and quality assurance with oversight of the effectiveness of the whole safeguarding system in relation to improvements to practice. |
Environment, Leisure and Green Infrastructure Manager | £68,674 | To be responsible for the strategic development of policies around the environment, sustainability, zero carbon, green infrastructure and leisure and sports development. Ensuring we are delivering benefits for people within the borough. |
Service Lead Education 0-11 | £69,586 | To be responsible for leading the promotion of the achievement of high standards in schools and settings and management of all statutory responsibilities relating to 0-11 education including statutory moderation and assessment. |
Head of Communications | £70,779.74 | The management, development and delivery of the Communications Service which includes: Media, Marketing and Web, and Internal Communications. |
Service Lead - Education and Wellbeing | £71,971 | To be responsible for leading the Promotion of the achievement of high standards in schools and settings, management of all statutory responsibilities relating to 11-19 education including statutory moderation and assessment and the promotion of wellbeing in all schools and settings, |
Service Manager Construction, Facility and Support | £78,074 | To be responsible for the development, delivery and monitoring of the Council's services for Fleet Management, Highways construction and maintenance, Building Services and Facilities Management. |
Service Manager - Bereavement, Community Transport, Waste, Recycling and Grounds Maintenance | £78,074 | Responsible for the strategic and operational leadership of a number of essential front-line services. |
Head of ICT | £78,074 | To manage the conception and delivery of a programme of technical change to achieve business benefits and service improvements for both ICT Services and its customers through the implementation of an efficient and effective technology architecture via ICT projects, applications and operations functions that are effective and customer focussed. Maintaining an emphasis on service and project performance and the availability of systems in-line with corporate and customer required service levels and agreed standards. |
Director of Public Health | £82,890.83 | Responsible for Environmental Health, Public Health Services including Statutory Director of Public Health remit, Consultant in Public Health and the Public Health team. |
Public Health Consultant | £87,295 | A senior role within the organisation to make a significant contribution to the overall objectives of improving health and reducing inequalities, with a particular focus on children and young people and health protection. |
Highways, Transport and Design Manager | £87,295 | To be responsible for the development, delivery and monitoring of the Council's services for Highways strategy and policy, Flood Risk Management, Transport. Network Safety, Architecture, Civil Design and Engineering, Urban Design and Building Control. |
Head of Legal Services | £87,295 | The management, development and delivery of the legal service which includes: Legal Practice, Children's Social Care, Adults and Litigation and Property, Procurement and Contracts. |
Head of Democratic Services | £87,295 | The management, development and delivery of Democratic Services which includes: Democratic Services, Electoral Services, Scrutiny Services, Civic, Mayoral and Member Support and to Lead on Armed Forces Covenant. |
Assistant Director | £96,503 | To be responsible for the development and delivery of the Council's Human Resources team. To provide value added Human Resources service which support the delivery of the Council's aims, objectives and values. To deputise for the Director of Corporate Services. Member of the Council's Senior Management Team. |
Assistant Director - Transformation | £96,503 | To support the Director of Adults and Health to implement and deliver the key priorities of the Adult Social Care Strategy, particularly in relation to early intervention and prevention. The focus is to impact on the wellbeing agenda, building on a strength based approach and achieving the best outcomes for individuals. |
Assistant Director - Town Centres Development | £96,503 | Responsible for overseeing the development and delivery of transformational change, investment and improvements across the six Town Centres within the borough. |
Assistant Director - Revenues, Benefits and Welfare | £96,503 | To be responsible for the management of the Council's Revenues and Benefits Service, which includes Council Tax, Business Rates, Benefits, Cashiers, Welfare Assistance and Welfare Rights services. |
Assistant Director - Procurement and Governance | £96,503 | To manage the development and delivery of Procurement and Governance which includes: Information Governance (including Data Protection Officer role) Health and Safety, Procurement, Insurance and Internal Audit. |
Assistant Director - HR and Organisational Development | £96,503 | To be responsible for the development and delivery of the Council's Human Resources team. To provide value added Human Resources service which support the delivery of the Council's aims, objectives and values. To deputise for the Director of Corporate Services. Member of the Council's Senior Management Team. |
Assistant Director - Housing and A Fairer Stockton | £96,503 | To be responsible for the Management, development and delivery of the Housing and A Fairer Stockton-on-Tees which includes: Housing Services, A Fairer Stockton-on-Tees, Community Engagement, Bright Minds Bright Futures, Community Consultation, VCSE and Asylum Seekers and Refugees. |
Assistant Director - Finance | £96,503 | To be the Deputy Section 151 Officer and Deputy to the Driector of Finance, Development and Regeneration. To have lead responsibility for the development of the Council's Medium Term Financial Plan and associated financial strategies, reflecting national funding changes and local income and expenditure decisions and to safeguard the interests of the Council over the medium to long term. To be responsible for co-ordinating all external and internal financial reporting including the statement of accounts, as well as responsibility for system development and service improvement. |
Assistant Director - Education, Inclusion and Achievement | £96,503 | To have overall responsibility for the promotion of the achievement of high standards and wellbeing in schools and settings. |
Assistant Director - Early Help and Safeguarding | £96,503 | To be an effective member of the Council's Senior Management Team, working closely with the Corporate Management Team and Elected Members to contribute to the leadership, challenge and strategic direction specifically for the Early Help, Safeguarding and Children in our Care (CIOC) Service and to contribute to the wider across Council services in accordance with the Council's values, vision, objectives, plans and priorities. |
Assistant Director - Culture, Library and Events | £96,503 | The management, development and delivery of Culture, Libraries and Events which includes: Museums and Heritage, Libraries and Events. |
Assistant Director - Community Safety and Regulated Services and Transformation | £96,503 | The management, development and delivery of Community Safety and Regulated Services which includes: Trading Standards, Environmental Health, OneCall, Community Protection including Security and Surveillance, Licensing and Emergency Planning. |
Assistant Director - Children in Our Care | £96,503 | Responsible for the Children's Social Care and the services that contribute to this and will be the Council's Agency Decision- Maker. |
Assistant Director - Adult's Strategy and Transformation | £96,503 | To support the Director of Adults and Health to implement and deliver the key priorities of the Adult Social Care Strategy, particularly in relation to early intervention and prevention. The focus is to impact on the wellbeing agenda, building on a strength based approach and achieving the best outcomes for individuals. |
Assistant Director - Adult Social Care | £96,503 | To be the Statutory Principal Social Worker for Adults Social Care and provide operational leadership to the team managers and service managers within adult social care. To provide service manager functions to the assessment and support planning areas which includes perational lead for Safeguarding, Review and Sensory Loss, Client Financial Services and Property and Financial Affairs. To contribute to the development of services and working practices and develop new services in response to identified need. To act as Deputy to the Director of Adults and Health. |
Assistant Director - Inclusive Growth and Development | £102,232 | To be responsible for the development, delivery and monitoring of the Council's services for Economic Growth, Spatial Development, Business, Enterprise and Employability, Planning Development and Building Control. |
Assistant Director - Community Services | £102,232 | To be responsible for the development, delivery and monitoring of the Council's Community Services including: Waste and Recycling collection, Street Cleansing, Grounds Maintenance, Parks, Cemeteries, Arboriculture Services, Asset Management, Community Transport, Registration and Bereavement Services, Market Management and Town Centre Maintenance Catering and Cleaning, Council's Heating Ventilation and Electrical (HV&E) service, Building Services, Highways Maintenance, Street Lighting and Community Safety, Highways Transport and Design Services. |
Assistant Director - Xentrall Shared Services | £102,232 | The development and delivery of efficient and effective customer focussed ICT services (Business, Strategic and Operational), Print and Design Services and Transactional Finance and HR to the Partnership and its customers. Responsible for ensuring that the Partnership delivers efficient, cost effective and customer focused shared services to Stockton-on-Tees and Darlington Borough Councils. |
Director of Finance, Transformation and Performance | £135,935 | To be the Council's Section 151 Officer and to provide strategic leadership and development of Corporate Financial Strategy, Capital, Property and Asset Management, Financial Strategy, Housing Services and Inclusive Growth, Planning and Development Services and Adult Learning and Skills. |
Director of Corporate Services | £135,935 | To be the Council's Monitoring Officer and to be responsible for the strategic leadership and development of the Human Resources, Legal Services, the Council's external public relations and its internal communictations and engagement. In addition, to be responsible for Procurement, Insurance, Internal Audit, Health and Safety and Information Governance which is where the Council's Data Protection Officer sits. |
Director of Community Services, Environment and Culture | £135,935 | To provide strategic leadership across Community Services, Culture, Libraries and Events, Customer Services and Digital and The Environment, Leisure and Green Infastructure. |
Director of Children's Services | £135,935 | To provide strategic leadership across the authority on the full remit of Education and Social Care services for Children. |
Director of Adults, Health and Wellbeing | £135,935 | To provide strategic leadership across the authority on Social Care Services for Adults and Public Health, including Environmental Health, Trading Standards, Licensing, Community Safety. |
Chief Executive | £169,026 | The Managing Director has lead responsibility to implement the Council's policies, ensuring that it delivers to its objectives and duties, within budget, and according to strategic priorities and statutory requirements. |