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Existing private hire and taxi driver licence

If you have an existing private hire and taxi driver licence, please read the following information.

If you need to contact the licensing team then please complete our contact us form.

Complete our contact us form

Please read the Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Licensing Policy

Knowledge test

If you already have a private hire licence and would like to change to a hackney carriage or combined licence, you will apply for a knowledge test as part of your application to change the type of licence you hold to private hire, hackney carriage or combined.  

Renew your driver licence

Renew a private hire, hackney carriage or combined driver licence 

Annual declaration and convictions

Submit your annual declaration 

Report a motoring conviction, criminal conviction or caution 

Tell us about your licence

Change your address  

Change the type of licence you hold

Tell us what private hire operators the vehicle will be working for

Surrender a private hire, hackney carriage or combined driver licence

Order replacements

Replace driver badges, record card or request additional record card

Replace your dash display wallet, docu-dash clip, lanyard, tariff card or plate bracket


Taxi drivers are required to complete mandatory training and assessments to ensure they are safe and competent to drive. If you have received a recent email from us, please use our online form to book onto a session.

View our licensed driver training sessions

Contact us

Contact the Licensing Team for advice on any licence or to make a complaint about a licensed business.

Phone: 01642 524802 




Tacit consent

Tacit consent does not apply in respect of these applications. 

Tacit consent means that if we have not dealt with licence applications within the target period then the application can be deemed to have been granted or approved. 

It is in the public interest that we process your application before it can be granted. 

If you have not heard from us within 10 working days, contact us on 01642 524802 or


If we refuse your application, you may be able to appeal this decision to the Magistrates' Court or First-Tier Tribunal.

Full details will be included in any refusal notice.

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