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Forward plan

The forward plan contains all decisions expected to be made by the Council through its Cabinet Members, as well as key decisions to be taken by officers, in the next four months.

View the Published Statutory Forward Plan.

General exception

The council has a duty under Statutory Instrument 2012 No. 2089 to publish, on its website, the notice of any key decision that is due to be taken which has not been included in the forward plan, and it is not practical to defer the decision until it can be included.

Following the appropriate approvals by the monitoring officer and chief executive, the chair of the executive scrutiny committee is informed of the intention to take the decision. There must be 5 clear days between the notice being issued to the chair of the committee and the decision being taken.

Special urgency

Where 5 clear days notice cannot be given of the intention to make the decision as set out above, the decision is subject to the special urgency process. General exception and special urgency notices can be viewed, with relevant documents and papers for meetings of the council committees on the ModernGov website.

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