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Help to improve your home

Our Homeowner Improvement Loan scheme can help you make essential repairs to your home.

If you are struggling to pay for repairs to your home, you can apply for a loan to help cover the cost of:

  • damp proof course or tanking
  • door replacement and repairs
  • heating replacement and repairs
  • rewiring
  • roof replacement and repairs (including repointing, chimney repairs and guttering replacement)
  • window replacement and repairs

We may also be able to help with other repairs on a case-by-case basis.

Who can apply?

You can apply for a loan if:

  • you live in the Borough
  • you are aged 18 or over
  • you have lived in and owned the property for at least 12 months

How to apply

Contact the Housing Regeneration and Investment Team to start your application.

What to expect

We offer loans up to £10,000. We will organise for the work to be done and pay an approved contractor directly once the work is completed.

There are three different types of loan available.

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