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Memorial Lighting Scheme

Our memorial lighting scheme is agreed annually and runs January to December. It includes lighting of Newport Bridge and Town Centre lighting columns and fountain lights.

The memorial lighting scheme includes a group of nationally recognised commemoration days, including those that are relevant and significant for Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council.

The lighting dates will normally be the only pre-set commemoration or campaign days which we align our lighting schedule with. We may agree to responsive lighting changes however, these are limited and in response to a major event or incident which has a profound impact on the general public.

2025 schedule

The following schedule was agreed by Cabinet Members for 2025.



Lighting Colour

Monday 27 January

Holocaust Memorial Day


Saturday 1 February

LGBT+ History Month


Tuesday 4 February

World Cancer Day


Saturday 8 MarchInternational Women's DayWhite, purple and green

Sunday 9 March

National Day of Reflection


Saturday 22 March

Earth Hour (8.30pm to 9.30pm)

Switched off

Wednesday 2 April

Autism Acceptance Day


Friday 11 AprilWorld Parkinsons DayBlue

Wednesday 23 April

St George's Day

Red and white

Thursday 8 MayVE Day 80th Anniversary Red, white and blue

Monday 19 May

National Dementia Action Week


Monday 2 June

National Volunteering Week

Red and purple

Monday 9 June

National Carers Week


Saturday 28 June

Armed Forces Day

Red, white and blue

Friday 15 AugustVJ Day 80th AnniversaryRed, white and blue

Thursday 4 September

World Sexual Health Awareness Day

Orange and blue

Monday 15 SeptemberBattle of Britain 85th Anniversary Red, white and blue

Monday 22 September

Fairtrade Fortnight

Blue and green

Wednesday 1 October

Stoptober (Stop Smoking Campaign)


Thursday 9 October   

Baby Loss Awareness Week

Pink and blue

Friday 10 October

World Mental Health Day


Friday 17 OctoberShow Racism the Red CardRed

To be confirmed

National Care Leavers Week


Tuesday 11 November

Remembrance Day


Friday 14 November

World Diabetes Day


Tuesday 25 November

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women



Memorial lighting requests

We will consider lighting requests from members of the public, community groups and charities for the following year's programme. Due to the number of requests received we cannot guarantee that requests will be approved.

Make a memorial lighting request

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