Occasional Sales Notification
If you plan to hold or organise an occasional sale in Stockton-on-Tees, you need to notify us.
What is an occasional sale?
An occasional sale is an event where articles are offered for sale to the public by one or more sellers in the course of a trade or business.
Examples include:
- craft or antiques fairs
- one day sales in hotels or village halls
- one-off markets
This does not include markets held under statutory authority, markets promoted or conducted by a registered charity or auction sales of farm livestock.
Failure to notify us of an occasional sale could result in fines of up to £2,500.
How to notify us
The premise the occasional sale will take place at must be within the area controlled by Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and notifications should be submitted no later than 21 days before the sale.
Notify us of an occasional sale
Tacit Consent
Tacit consent does not apply in respect of Occasional Sales Notifications.
Tacit consent means that if we have not dealt with applications within the target period then the application can be deemed to have been granted or approved.
Completing a notification must not be taken as an authorisation to hold an occasional sale. The promoter and or premise occupier should ensure that they hold all appropriate licences.