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Community Safety CCTV - Annual Standards Report 2023 to 2024

Operational requirements


Review of Compliance

1. Does the system continue to meet the purpose for which it was installed?

The system continues to meet its purpose in terms of deterring, preventing and detection of crime, working to all legal requirements.

2. Have any complaints been received about an individual camera or the whole/part of the system? If yes, what was the outcome?

No complaints have been received up until the date of this review from members of the public. We have been subject to a number of Freedom of Information Requests however this has also not resulted in further follow up.

3. Has the location of each camera been reviewed to ensure they remain suitable?

Each camera location is reviewed on an annual basis making sure the location is suitable for the required purpose. All new installations are reviewed, and a privacy impact assessment undertaken.

4. Is there a Comprehensive maintenance and cleaning regime in place?


A specific maintenance and cleaning contract is in place and is provided by specialist engineers who is contracted to maintain the system until October 2025.

5. Is there appropriate and sufficient signage in places to warn people that CCTV is in use?

CCTV warning signs have been positioned in and around all areas covered by CCTV.

The signs are reviewed annually to ensure it is fit for purpose and meet national guidelines.

6. Is the CCTV code of Practice up to date?

The code of practices used by the Authority is updated on an annual basis or when new legislation is made available. The most recent update of the CCTV codes of practice used by the Authority was April 2020.

7. Is the CCTV code of practice accessible to staff and the public

The code of practice is readily available for all staff within the CCTV control room. Copies are available for the public use via the Stockton on Tees Borough Council website or upon request in person, telephone or email.

8. Is the equipment of sufficient quality to enable images to be used as evidence in court?

All cameras are serviced and meet the required quality assurance requirements. The authority also considers upgrading any of its CCTV cameras as and when necessary, based on operational demand.

9. Are there regular function checks to ensure that all equipment is in operating and recording correctly and that all images are stamped with the correct date/time?

Daily camera and recording checks are undertaken and any identified system faults are reported for repair to the maintenance contractor.

10. What precautions are in place to ensure that data will continue to be collected e.g. in the event of a failure of power to cameras?

Power to the recorded system is protected by an Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) within the CCTV control room. The UPS would enable the system to be shut down in a controlled manner, allowing the maintenance supplier time to rectify any faults.


No further action required for each requirement.   

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