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Planning Committee

The Planning Committee is made up of elected Members and sits every 4 weeks unless a meeting is not needed.

The Committee considers reports detailing the planning officers' recommendations in a public meeting and vote on each application.

The Planning Committee considers applications which meet specific criteria and fall outside of the Council's scheme of delegation. Examples that the Committee would consider include:

  • applications that have received more than 5 individual letters contrary to recommendation
  • council developments

Read Planning Committee minutes and agendas

What counts as an individual letter

To be classed as an individual letter, comments must be:

  • from a single address
  • written by a resident that we have consulted about the application by post (unless the development has received wider publicity through a site notice or press announcement)

Petitions and template letters where the content remains mostly the same are treated as a single letter of objection or support regardless of the number of letters or signatories. 

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