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Reablement service

Reablement focuses on improving a person's wellbeing through a personalised approach in your own home and local community. If you have been ill or had an accident you may need help to re-learn some of the skills lost whilst unwell and to get your confidence back. Our reablement staff can work with you to help regain your confidence and do things for yourself that you did before you were unwell, so you can live as independently as possible. We're here to support people making the move from hospital to home.

These specialist support services may be available if you have experienced any of the following:

  • a temporary illness or permanent disability
  • a fall at home
  • a crisis at home
  • a change in circumstances relating to you or your carer

The support service is provided for up to 6 weeks, free of charge.

In the most recent Care Quality Commission inspection, our Reablement and Intermediate Care service was assessed as "Good". Read the full report for further information.

What the Reablement Service does

The service's support workers help you in your own home and local community to:

  • regain skills and confidence in completing everyday tasks and activities such as making meals, washing and dressing yourself, doing your shopping and getting out
  • support you to gain new skills to help you manage at home
  • help avoid unnecessary admission to hospital, or long term residential care
  • help you get back on your feet after a stay in hospital
  • ensure you have any equipment or Help at Home service that you need to help you live independently
  • put you in touch with other services that can help
  • promote your independence


How we will assess your needs

Depending on whether you need a social worker, health care therapy professional or district nurse, a decision will be made as to which team is best placed to assess your abilities. This assessment will be carried out by the Assessment Reablement Team (ART). Staff will be reviewing your ability to get dressed, prepare meals and generally assess how you manage your daily life.

Based on the assessment, a care plan will be prepared with you setting out how the service will support you for up to six weeks. The team of support staff from the Reablement Service will organise visits to you as often as is necessary to keep you safe. This can be for up to four times a day. Your support plan will be adjusted as you regain the skills for independent living between 7am and 10pm.

Where appropriate the support team will also work closely with any health care staff that is also supporting you i.e. physiotherapy and occupational therapy staff.

After receiving the support service for around 4 weeks, a decision will be taken, often following a meeting with your family or friends. The meeting looks at whether you are likely to become independent once the service ends or if you are still likely to need support at home. Should you need ongoing support then you will be re-assessed and if you are eligible for ongoing services, a personalised care and support plan will be developed with you to meet your ongoing needs.

You will be offered a personal budget and can organise the required support yourself or through our contract with an independent home care provider. If you are not eligible for services, then information and advice will be offered on how to access further support and on how to contact the department should your needs change in the future.

Some people will already be getting a long-term home care service. You may still be offered the Reablement Service if after a review it is felt that it would help you to live more independently.


Covering the costs

The Council covers the cost of the service for up to 6 weeks where there is an identified care and support need, as the service is offered free of charge. If care and support is still needed after that, the usual home care charging policy will apply. Find out more on our paying for Adult Social care page.


What next?

Health (NHS) and social care staff work together to find out how best to help you with your health and social care needs. This is called a Single Assessment Process. If you are in hospital, you can ask a nurse to refer you for a social care assessment. If you are at home, contact our First contact team:

A social worker will assess you to make sure you get the type of support you need and tell you what type of services you will receive and when they will start.


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