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Knowledge test guidance

Summary of legislation

You can find copies of the relevant legislation at the following links: 

Local Authorities can licence vehicles to carry up to 8 passengers plus the driver. Vehicles with more than 8 passenger seats must be licensed through the Department of Transport.

Private Hire drivers can only obtain work by working through a Licensed Private Hire Operator.   It is illegal for a Private Hire driver to accept a flag down (stop for passengers in the street) or arrange bookings. If people wanting to hire the vehicle approach you or if you stop for a passenger in the street and you radio the booking into the office for the Operator to record on their booking sheets, this does not legitimise the booking. If you accept the fare it will still be deemed to be an offence and you and the Operator face possible legal action.

A driver can refuse to take a passenger if they genuinely believe that their health and safety may be put at risk or if the passenger is excessively dirty, abusive or drunk. You may not refuse a passenger on the grounds of their gender, race, age, disability, religion or sexual orientation.

Private Hire/Hackney Carriage drivers must wear their badge at all times while they are working. The dashboard display badge must be displayed in a prominent position in the front of the vehicle on the Dashboard. The Private Hire Driver Record Card should be deposited with the Private Hire Operator you are working for. The Hackney Carriage Driver Record Card should be deposited with the vehicle proprietor.

Private Hire charges are determined by the Licensed Operator, the Council does not set charges to be made. Private Hire bookings are a contract between the hirer and the Private Hire Operator and the driver cannot charge more or less than the agreed fare.

Authorised Officers of the Council and the Police have the same powers under the Act and all assistance must be afforded to them if they ask for information. Failure to provide information could be considered as obstruction which is an offence. If a customer asks for your details you are required to give your name and badge number.

Hackney Carriage drivers can obtain work from the ranks, flag downs, telephone and from Private Hire Operators or by telephone calls to their home.

The Local Authority determines the Tariff rates for fares that can be charged by a Hackney Carriage. The Table of Fares should be displayed in a prominent place where the hirer can easily see the charges. The charges listed are the maximum that can be charged, the driver can however charge less than the maximum allowed by the Council.

Hackney Carriage Maximum Table of Fares

Tariff 1 - standard fares (except for such periods as fall within Tariff 2 and Tariff 3)

£3.50 first half mile or part

10p each following 120 yards or part

Tariff 2 - fares between 22:00 and 06:00, all day on statutory bank holidays

£3.80 first half mile or part

15p each following 120 yards or part

Tariff 3 - at all times when five or more passengers

£4.50 first half mile or part

20p each following 130 yards or part

Tariff 4 - fares from 10pm to 6am everyday when 5 or more passengers. Fares all day on all public holidays when 5 or more passengers. Fares from 18:00 to 00:00 the evening before all public holidays when 5 or more passengers

£4.80 first half mile or part

25p each following 130 yards or part



£50 soiling charge

15p waiting time, each period of 30 seconds or part

30p luggage stored in boot or designated area (excluding wheelchairs or any other apparatus used to assist persons with a disability)


The meter should not record any fare when you enter the vehicle. The driver will then switch the meter on and it must correspond with fares tabled above. Quoted fares cannot exceed meter price. For complaints and information contact the licensing team.

View our Hackney Rank Locations.


Conditions are attached to the grant of a Private Hire driver's licence. A copy of these conditions are available from our website, you must be familiar with all of them as you will be asked questions on these in your knowledge test. Please refer to the Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Licensing Policy.

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