Connecting Yarm
The Council is proposing to deliver an improved cycle link along Durham Lane to connect key employment sites and surrounding residential areas.
This will reduce congestion and reliance on car travel.
The cycle infrastructure will include a shared footway cycle track and a segregated footway and cycle track between Elton Interchange and Egglescliffe School, which is approximately 4km in length.
It will link into the existing National Cycle Network at the A66 junction, with the new West Stockton development to the north of this, with a local link access to Yarm Road at the Urlay Nook Road roundabout.
There is a need to cut back hedges and shrubs within the highway verge to facilitate the new cycle route in this area in adopted highway, within Council ownership.
The Council is engaging with adjacent landowners to inform them of the proposed works.
Following public engagement which took place in September 2023, an emerging design is available to view.
View the map of the proposed cycle route on Durham Lane (PDF, 535 KB)

This project is being funded as part of the £20million Levelling Up Funding in Yarm and Eaglescliffe. The Levelling Up Fund will invest in infrastructure that improves everyday life across the UK, including regenerating town centres and high streets, upgrading local transport, and investing in cultural and heritage assets.
Public engagement
The cycleways proposals were available to view and comment on in September 2023.
There were 69 responses. Of these responses, 87 per cent were of a positive or general sentiment and 7 per cent of comments were of a negative sentiment.
Some of the themes and concerns expressed in the comments included:
- consideration to the original Stockton & Darlington Railway route which runs to the west of the present route of Durham Lane
- the need for secure cycle parking facilities as part of the link to the new Eaglescliffe Train Station car park
- concerns around the use of a 'shared-use' track as part of the scheme
The proposed route has been designed to the latest Government design standards and has also been audited by Active Travel England, the government's executive agency responsible for making walking, wheeling and cycling the preferred choice to get around in England. Shared use sections are proposed as part of the route, aligned with the latest guidance on widths.
The initial design stage for engagement was produced with local input and the engineer inputting is a cyclist, designer and road safety auditor.
The Council will engage with the Friends of the Stockton & Darlington Railway to ensure that, should the cycleway impact on the alignment of the Yarm Branch Line of the Stockton & Darlington Railway that archaeological investigations are carried out, if deemed necessary, and interpretation added as part of the scheme.
As part of the final design, secure cycle parking facilities will be included in the link to the new Eaglescliffe Train Station car park.
Once detailed designs are agreed, there will be a tender process and a Statutory Consultation will take place with residents directly affected by the works.
Construction is due to start in late spring 2024 for around 12 months.