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Coordinated admission arrangements timetable 2026

Waiting lists

The local authority will maintain a waiting list for all oversubscribed maintained Stockton-on-Tees schools. The waiting list will be open for all Primary and Secondary schools for the duration of the next academic term (1 September to 31 December). Places will be allocated, if they become available, in accordance with the local authority published oversubscription criteria.

Voluntary-aided schools, academies and free schools are required to keep a waiting list for at least the autumn term of 2026, if places become available at their school, the governing body will allocate places from their own oversubscription criteria and inform the local authority. The local authority will write to parents informing them of the decision. 

Where the local authority can offer a place to a non-Stockton-on-Tees child from the waiting list, we will liaise with the home local authority, who will write to the parent to confirm the place.

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