Appeals policy
Independent review
If you are unhappy with the decision of the appeal outcome, you have the right to invoke the final stage of the procedure and Highfield will arrange for an Independent Review to be carried out.
A further fee of £350 plus VAT is required (this is additional to the fee required for the First Review). The appeal fee, together with any written submissions you consider to be relevant, must be received by Highfield within 10 working days from the date we notified you of the decision of the First Review. Highfield reserves the right not to hear your appeal in the event that the required funds are not received by Highfield within this 10 working day time limit.
The Independent Review will be carried out by someone who is not an employee of Highfield or otherwise connected to our organisation (save for the fact they have been appointed by Highfield as an Independent Reviewer (at its absolute discretion)). The individual will also be someone with the relevant competence to make a decision in relation to this final stage of the appeal and will not have a personal interest in the decision being appealed.
The Independent Reviewer will review all the evidence gathered from the above stages and review if Highfield has applied procedures or policies fairly, appropriately and consistently, in line with the associated procedure and policy.
A request for an independent review must be submitted together with payment within 10 working days of the First Review appeal decision. Failure to submit a request of payment within this stipulated 10 working day deadline may result in Highfield declining to take forward an independent review.
The independent review process may include:
- a discussion with the appellant or the learner, apprentice, or Highfield personnel
- a request for further information
- a visit
It is important to note that the person undertaking the Independent Review is not there to re-hear the matter in its entirety. They are there to form a view as to whether the decision taken by the person undertaking the First Review was reasonable from considering information and documentation available at the time that decision was made.
The Independent Reviewer's decision is final and will usually be made within 20 working days of receipt of the notification that the appellant would like the matter taking to an Independent Review. If the appellant is still unhappy with the outcome at this stage, they are entitled to raise the matter with a Relevant Regulator (RR).