SEND Local Offer Annual Report 2023 to 2024
Launch of the new platform
In February 2024 a refreshed version of the Local Offer was launched as part of a wider digital update in the Council which also included an update to the Stockton Information Directory. The focus of this refresh was on restructuring the website to make it more accessible and usable for families in Stockton-on-Tees. This included user testing with the Stockton Parent Carer Forum and consultation with SENDIASS and other relevant services to ensure the new platform was compliant with the SEND Code of Practice. The update was achieved through a collaborative approach across the Council to build a new website based on research of good practice across other Local Offers.
Key developments included:
- new, brightly coloured branding
- a new website structure to minimize clicks and make it easier to find information
- a key contacts page developed in collaboration with Stockton Parent Carer Forum
- a Professionals area hosted on Microsoft Teams to share relevant documents and resources
- launch of the Local Offer email inbox as a point of contact for users to provide feedback and request information and support