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Pavement Licence guidance

Conditions of a Pavement Licence

A pavement licence is granted or deemed granted subject to the following published conditions.


The pavement licence holder to require clear routes of access to be maintained, taking into account the needs of disabled people and the recommended minimum footway widths and distances required for access by mobility impaired and visually impaired people.


A minimum width of 1500mm is regarded as the minimum acceptable distance between two obstacles as this should enable a wheelchair user and a walker to pass each other.


The positioning of furniture should not discourage pedestrians from using the footway or force pedestrians into the highway. The available route must be entirely clear for pedestrians to use and not be impeded with tables and chairs. The area should be separated from the footway so that pedestrians can navigate around the area, such as removable barriers, colour contrast and tap rails or wooden containers


Furniture should be made of reasonable substance so it cannot easily be pushed or blown over by the wind, and thereby cause obstruction.


A Boards are not permitted outside the licensed area to ensure that the remaining pavement is as free from obstruction as possible.


The licence holder shall ensure that the activities do not:

a.    prevent traffic, other than vehicular traffic, from:

                                  i.    entering the relevant highway at a place where such traffic could otherwise enter it (ignoring any pedestrian planning order or traffic order made in relation to the highway)

                                 ii.    passing along the relevant highway

                                iii.    having normal access to premises adjoining the relevant highway

b.    prevent any use of vehicles which is permitted by a pedestrian planning order or which is not prohibited by a traffic order

c.     prevent statutory undertakers having access to any apparatus of theirs under, in, on or over the highway, or prevent the operator of an electronic communications code network having access to any electronic communications apparatus kept installed for the purposes of that network under, in, on or over the highway.


Statutory and Emergency services will be permitted 24hr emergency access - without notice. The licence may be temporarily revoked where an alternative use for the highway is required for example emergency highway maintenance, emergency scaffold access or use of the highway during events that are supported by the local authority. The local authority will not be liable for any loss of earnings arising from the suspension of the licence.


The must be reasonable provision for seating where smoking is not permitted. No ash trays or similar receptacles to be provided or permitted to be left on furniture where smoke-free seating is identified.


The licensed area can only be used during the hours permitted and in accordance with the plans attached to the licence. The furniture must not go beyond the boundary and shall be kept in good condition so as not to detract from the appearance of the street.


All staff must register and successfully complete the nationally recognised counter terrorism training product referred to as ACT E Learning within 10 days of the notification of the grant of the Pavement License or can demonstrate that the ACT E Learning product has successfully been completed within the preceding 12 months and that all staff employed by OR at the premises complete the ACT E Learning within a reasonable period not exceeding 3 months from the notification of the grant of the Pavement License.(Act E Learning certificates are provided on successful on-line completion).


Any existing CCTV systems should be working and compliant with the Data Protection Act 1998, Information Commissioners requirements and any other local CCTV Code of Conduct produced by the Police or Local Authority. Imagery must be retained for at least 28 days and images produced to a Police Officer or Local Authority Enforcement Officer upon reasonable request. Faults which render the CCTV system or parts of it inoperable should normally be rectified within 24 hours


The licence holder must undertake to make good any damage caused on the allocated highway area and is responsible for carrying out the reinstatement of the highway in the event of any damage. The permanent surface reinstatement shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the local authority.


The licence holder shall provide Public Liability insurance cover for the area and shall indemnify the local authority against all claims in respect of injury, damage or loss arising out of the granting of permission, (for example, damage to the highway or highway furniture) to a minimum value of £5,000,000 unless such claims arise out of the local authorities' own negligence.

PL14The licence holder will be required to take responsibility for and supervise their licensed areas.
PL15The area is licensed for tables and chairs, vertical drinking or eating is not permitted.
PL16No amplified music, entertainment or broadcast of sporting events will be permitted in the area, noise should not cause a disturbance to local residents.
PL17Periodic assessments of the noise coming from the area shall be made and steps shall be taken steps to reduce the level of noise where it is likely to cause a disturbance to local residents.  A written record of those assessments should include, the time and date of the checks, the person making them and the results including any remedial action, all records shall be retained for one year.
PL18The area must be kept clean and tidy. The public area immediately surrounding the licensed area shall be regularly cleared of waste food containers, wrappings for example., during the stated operating hours and at the end of each trading day.

All removable furniture must be removed from the pavement licence area and securely stored within 30 minutes from the end of the permitted hours.

PL20Only heaters specified as part of the application and the approved location on the plan are permitted. The heaters must be safe to use and the licence holder is required to complete a risk assessment or safe system of work, along with any maintenance, testing, and staff training. It is also recommended you inform your insurance provider of the use of heaters. No barbecues, fire pits, naked flames or lights may be placed in the area.
PL21Only the parasols or umbrellas specified as part of the application and the approved location on the plan are permitted. The parasols or umbrellas must be safe to use and the licence holder is required to complete a risk assessment/safe system of work, along with any maintenance, testing, and staff training. It is also recommended you inform your insurance provider of the use of parasols or umbrellas
PL22Parasols or umbrellas when opened must not overhang the boundary of the licensed pavement area and must remain closed in periods of high winds, Parasols should be stable, safely secured and contained entirely within the boundaries of the licensed area to ensure they do not cause an obstruction or present a danger to any user of the area or any other users of the highway.
PL23Licence holders will need to have regard to their duties under the Equality Act 2010, such as their duty under section 29 of the Act not to discriminate in providing their service and the duty to make reasonable adjustments.


Local unpublished conditions

In addition, the local authorities may impose reasonable conditions whether or not they are published upfront conditions with justification for this, applications will be considered on their own individual merits taking into account the details disclosed by the applicant as well as any representations received during the public consultation.


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