14. Monitoring
14.1 Monitoring and Evaluating the Permit Scheme
The Permit Scheme will be evaluated after each of the first 3 years, then 3-yearly after that. Evaluations must be made available within 3 months of the yearly date on which the Permit Scheme came in to effect. The evaluation shall include consideration of:
- Whether the fee structure needs to be changed in light of any surplus or deficit;
- The costs and benefits (whether or not financial) of operating the scheme; and
- Whether the Permit Scheme is meeting key performance indicators where these are set out in the Guidance.
- The outcome of each evaluation shall be made available to the persons referred to in regulation 3(1) of the Regulations within three months of the relevant anniversary.
Evaluation reports shall include measurement of success against the key objectives of this Permit Scheme and will follow the latest guidance. Such guidance and templates may change from time to time. Such a report may include the use of the following:
- HAUC TPI (TMA Performance Indicators) measures as defined and agreed by the National Permit Forum which may be subject to change from time to time.
- Authority measures which will include further data collated by the Permit Authority to support the objectives of this scheme. Such measures will be defined and agreed by the National Permit Forum and as above, may be subject to change from time to time.
14.2 Use of Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Every authority wishing to implement a permit scheme must indicate how they intend to demonstrate parity of treatment for promoters in its application. The DfT Guidance for the development of permit schemes contains seven KPIs, which may be used for this purpose. These KPIs may be amended, removed or replaced by future amendments to Permit Regulations. The scheme will always follow the latest KPI requirements.
These KPIs apply to both road works and street works. KPI results will be produced on a monthly basis. Such KPIs may be redeveloped by the DfT and/or HAUC (England) and statutory guidance may be subject to change from time to time.
The Permit Authority will remain committed to submitting the performance scorecard data to the DfT or any organisation nominated on a quarterly basis.
14.3 Presentation of KPIs
The KPIs will be discussed at the regular activity promoter meetings as appropriate. In addition, the KPIs will be made available to any other person on request or the Permit Authority may wish to publish them on their website. If any promoter considers that they are not being treated in accordance with Regulation 40 of the Regulations then they can take the matter up either through the regular promoter meetings or the dispute resolution procedures highlighted in Section 15.