General information
The minor variations application procedure is a simpler, faster and cheaper way of making small changes to a premises licence that will not adversely affect that premises' ability to promote the licensing objectives (for example to prevent crime & disorder, maintain public safety, prevent public nuisance and protect children from harm).
Minor variations can be used to:
- make small changes to the licensed times for permitted activities, or add new activities to the licence
- make small changes to the layout of the premises
- revise, remove and add conditions to the licence
- make changes to the opening hours (i.e. the times when the premises may open without engaging in any licensable activities - for example, a pub opening in the morning to sell breakfasts, but not alcohol)
as long as the proposed changes will not have an adverse impact on the licensing objectives.
Minor variations cannot be used to:
- extend a time limited licence beyond its expiry date
- make substantial changes to the nature of licensed premises
- change the designated premises supervisor
- authorise the supply of alcohol from the premises for the first time
- increase the existing hours for the supply of alcohol
- authorise the supply of alcohol between 11pm and 7am
- remove the requirement for a designated premises supervisor at community premises
- make any changes to the licence which will have an adverse effect on the licensing objectives
Licensing officers will consult with certain statutory bodies as may be relevant to your application, and will take into account any relevant representations received from those bodies, or from any local residents or businesses in the vicinity of your premises. Your application will only be granted if it is considered that the proposed variations, both individually and cumulatively, will not adversely affect the licensing objectives.
Alterations and or amendments cannot be made to a minor variation application during the consultation process. You are advised to discuss your proposed variation with the appropriate responsible authorities before submitting your application.
A decision must be made within 15 working days of receiving an application. If a decision is not made within this period, your application will be deemed to be refused, and you will be entitled to a refund of the fee paid.