Members' Allowances Scheme 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025
7. General
- (a) A person may, by notice in writing given to the Proper Officer of the Council, elect to forgo his entitlement or any part of his entitlement to allowances
- (b) The time limit from the date on which an entitlement to each of the following allowances arises during which a claim for such allowances must be made by the person to whom they are payable is two months:
(i) dependants' carers allowance
(ii) travelling and subsistence allowance; and
(iii) co-optees' allowance
This will not however prevent the Council from making a payment where the allowance is not claimed within the period specified in the scheme should the circumstances justify doing so.
- (c) Where a Member of the Council is also a member of another authority, that Member may not receive allowances from more than one authority in respect of the same duties
- (d) The Basic, Special Responsibility and Co-optees Allowances will be paid on a monthly basis
- (e) Where payment of any allowance has already been made in respect of any period during which the Member concerned:
(i) ceases to be a Member of the Council; or
(ii) is in any other way not entitled to receive the allowances in respect of that period, the Council may require that such part of the allowance as relates to any such period be repaid to the Council.