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Holidays Are Fun (HAF) Programme

Eligible school age children from reception to Year 11 who live in Stockton-on-Tees can access a place for holiday activities, including a meal at each session.

Join us during February half term for fun-filled free activities across the borough.

Get ready for exciting days filled with:

  • games and sports to keep everyone active
  • dance sessions that will dazzle and amaze
  • horse riding to ice skating to enjoy all the fun and laughs

Our fantastic providers all cater throughout their activities, making HAF the perfect stop for your February half term activities!

Get started on your HAF fun-filled half term, selecting your ideal location or click "all HAF provisions" to see all available activities in the entire Stockton Borough. 

Check the duration of each activity carefully before booking. During February half-term some activity sessions will run for 2 hours and some will run for 4 hours.

Specialist SEND provisions

Specialist Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provisions are activities that are tailored to meet the needs of children and young people with disabilities or SEN.

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