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Haverton Hill household waste recycling centre

Book a slot

To be able to access the Household Waste and Recycling Centre you must book a slot.

Book a slot
Apply for a permit

We have introduced a new way to apply for a permit to take household waste in a van or trailer to Haverton Hill Recycling Centre.

All you need is a mobile phone, some photo ID and proof of address:

  • text 'Waste' to this number 07723 466991
  • follow the instructions that are sent to you, including following the link to our online booking system to reserve your slot
  • once complete you can make 12 non-chargeable visits a year by booking a slot using our online booking form
  • each time you visit the site you will need to take your driving licence (or other photo identification) and proof of Stockton address with you, you will also need to tell us your mobile number used to register
  • once registration is complete you can also see other waste related information, like opening times and bin collection dates
  • access to the site remains at the discretion of Site Operatives, you should review the 'site usage guidelines' ahead of your visit and you can still be refused access even if you have a permit


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