Supplementary planning documents
Our supplementary planning documents provide detailed advice and guidance on how the policies in our Local Plan should be implemented.
The following supplementary planning documents are available online:
- Housing (PDF, 457 KB)
- Householder extensions and alterations (PDF, 1 MB)
- Local Design Guide (PDF, 12 MB)
- Local Design Guide - Design Process Overview (PDF, 8 MB)
- Landscaping and Trees - Technical Guidance and Standards (PDF, 2 MB)
- Play Areas - Technical Guidance and Standards (PDF, 980 KB)
- Shop Front Design and Advertisements - Technical Guidance and Standards (PDF, 783 KB)
- Strategic Environmental Assessment Consultation (PDF, 619 KB)
- Community Impact Assessment (PDF, 491 KB)
- Consultation Statement (PDF, 782 KB)
- Adoption Statement (PDF, 207 KB)
- Sustainable design guide (PDF, 947 KB)
- Planning obligations (PDF, 619 KB)
- Boathouse Lane design brief (PDF, 1 MB)
- Conservation and Historic Environment Folder (PDF, 27 MB)
- Eastern gateway (PDF, 4 MB)
- High density development (PDF, 791 KB)
- Open space, recreation and landscaping (PDF, 1 MB)
- Parking provision (PDF, 1 MB)
- Shop front design and advertisements (PDF, 1 MB)